Whats The Magic Words? Part 2

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  "Your majesty's...EARTH, MISCHIEF, GOODNESS! Wake up please what's wrong with you!" She stutters. Gracey is truly fearful because the three are like the kingdoms real grandmothers but to Gracey...they are her mothers. That's how much respect and love she's got for them! "I...I gotta see what's going on, they stay afloat even when I try my hardest to pull them down...I must look in the special book right now the book of spells!" Gracey runs over towards what looks like a pile of heavy books when she is met by three servants "oh thank heavens you guys are here! The Goddesses they...I don't really know they're like stuck in time! Can't you help me??" The three servants all look at each other and stare at Gracey one of them finally speak up and say "it's not our business and we best be on our way...our job is to clean and sometimes cook we know nothing we..please just let us go we have people to feed." Gracey stares and absolute aw "I'll tell the three of your ungodly ways! How dare you not pay your duty and respects to your almighty elders!" The one with orangey hair shouts out "you won't have them to tell if they stay in this state! Now listen here our shift is done but I'll give you some idea anyways only if you promise to LET US LEAVE!" "Fine" Gracey rolls her eyes and agrees.
After a couple of minutes, the servants tell Gracey all they know. "Ohhh ok well you may go." They all nod and quickly walk out of the chambers. Now with an idea on what to do Gracey goes to Goodness's room and moves the curtain aside and sticks her hand through the window and reaches for a green lever. She pulls it with all her might and then Goodness's whole drawer opens up! Aha! The magic spells book must be in here! Gracey tiptoes towards the drawer and marches down the stairs to the magic spell book placement. She picks it up right away and an alarm starts! BELOW BELOW BOOM BOOM! To Gracey's surprise, Mischief flails her arms and hovers down the stairs "Why are you in here! What happened!" "Dear and holy one I am trying to awaken all of you from your trance and some of you may be awake right now Mischief but not the "whole" you!" Mischief nods her head and stumbles back into a trance. With no hesitation, Gracey flips through the pages page 126...chapter "TRIGGER WORDS" page 126!!! "Got it!" She then moves her fingers across the page and spots the chant. Hmm let's see it says "for those to heal let the truth be revealed, but for those in a trance give them the chance, a chance to remember the past a past that's so wonderful they'll just have to grasp" grasp on to the reality that is. "Ohhh ok umm hmm for those in a trance give them the chance to remember a past ...maybe it means if I can tell them one memory they all relate to greatly they'll wake up?! Might as well give it a try!"
"Hello, class welcome back! This year will be a fun and educational journey through the wonders of the fifth grade. In the curriculum we have...." the words the teacher is saying zone in and out through Willows mind she is too worried and confused to listen clearly but then "I am Ms.Strant by the way...and I'd like to give a warm welcome to our newest freshest student to this school and to this grade! Willow Fisberg!" The spunky teacher whispers "just go on up and introduce your self I'm sure you'll do great!" With a thumbs up from a nice new teacher and a few claps from a couple of supportive classmates Willow gracefully walks towards the front when...she is tripped! Tripped by an annoying boy that'll change her life FOREVER. The question is...will it change her life for good.
"My dearest the nearest angles I have found the key that'll unlock the doors standing in your way. Please wake up...not only for ME YOUR LOYAL SUBJECT THAT'S ALWAYS HERE FOR YOU, not only for the KINGDOM AND ITS PEOPLE THAT NEED YOU AND THAT NEED PROTECTION, but for WILLOW FOR EACH OTHER FOR THE LOVE AND HAPPINESS YOU'LL RECIEVE ONCE YOU CHECK ON HER JUST TO SEE HER SUCCEED TO SEE HER GROW UP...TO SEE HER BE ONE OF—." Gracey is stopped by the choking noises of a spirit *cough* *choke* "YESS YOU GUYS ARE AWAKENING!" The mystical majestic beings slowly sway towards the ground and all are lively...all except for one! Once the sisters see that there is only a duo they take action despite knowing what just happened "GRACEY DONT JUST STAND THERE LOOKING BAFFLED BRING THE SPECIAL HERBS!" Shouts Mischief "GOODNESS HELP ME LIFT HER TO THE COUCH AND THEN AFTERWARDS GRAB THAT SPELL BOOK...OH AND GRACEY BRING A HOT TOWELETTE!" Gracey gets on that ASAP with worry and fright, but also with delight because she knows she did this all with a few "magic words"!

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