Prepartions For a Real Women

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DIARY DIARY GUESS WHAT!!! I have so much TEA.... ok so I think I'm slowly falling in love with MILES. I know it's Milestone we're talking about here but I can't help it he's so charming and loveable, and I think there's a good chance he likes me too!!! The word around town is that Milestone might ask me out as his birthday gift to me!!! It's been a year since we've chatted and a lot has happened! I and Miles kissed like for 2 minutes....playing spin the bottle with the gang! Oof lol also he's single and he said TO ME "I'm just waiting for the PERFECT girl." Then he WINKED AT MEEEEE omggggg. I sound like a total fangirl but he might be the one, he was my enemy, my BEST FRIEND, and now I think my...lover! I can't wait for my birthday tomorrow!
Witches and warlocks and gods galore gather around the noble offices for an official meeting about Willow's initiation. "My dear noblest, welcome .... welcome! I'll let Earth take it away." Yells Goodness, the crowd claps and whoops. "Thank you, thank you. We are here for my dear granddaughter's new start, her first start of becoming a real woman. We will be discussing her initiation plan as of now, first before it hits her birthday at exactly 12:32 am the day and time she was reborn we will send an angelic dream that'll lead to her being scared awake. It'll be twenty minutes long so I need the dream team department to start setting that up at 12:00 am 32 minutes before her birthday! We will discuss details later, next, I'll send down two warlocks and two angels to explain EVERYTHING!!! You cannot let one detail slip about the trials or about her history...her true background! I'll also need all gods and goddesses to place the beginners crown on Willows' head. Then I need three witches to awaken the Mother get her prepped and inform her that it's time and also explain to her the conditions of her daughter's trials. Then towards the end of the trials... if she succeeds I'll need fifty-two angles, twenty warlocks, thirty-two witches, and my sisters and I down in her favorite field." "Yes my lord, go on." the people say while scribbling away on their clipboards or notepads. Earth smiles subtly and continues on to say, "it's The cotton field down by the bend by the way. that's where we'll have her ceremony, but I'll need a force field and invisible sheet made with the help of seventy-two angles, three workers, five guardians in training, and Mischief and Goodness. Also, I need loads of catering done so I booked "Heavenly Shake and Bake" to make three thousand Sixty-two hundred three hundred forty-five million desserts and delectables! So I'll need all maids and kitchen aids on deck as well as on stand by for extra preparations. Lastly, the decor team will make a bedroom that suffices to Willows needs and no others! If there are any questions speak up NOW because if not now never, and there cannot be ANY mistakes these next couple days because if so SOMEONE WILL BE PUNISHED!"
The crowd stares blankly at each other trying to see who dares asks Earth a question. No one does and then after the wait, they all jumped up starting to discuss plans and getting each other's team prepared. Gods and goddesses in one corner discussing a speech, warlocks and witches discussing all the things they need with there notepads, maids and kitchen aids talking with the food team, and the sisters. They dance around while watching all the busy bustle and hustle hoping... praying that everyone knows what to do.

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