Going Against Fate

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  "Earth drink. This is herbal tea...it'll help your heart reconcile and have you sleeping in no time." Goodness says smiling hiding the pain she has for her sister. Earth nods and Mischief helps Earth drink up while Gracey piped up "it's still today, let's see how Willows doing before she turns eleven tomorrow!" Earth has a pained smile willing to go along with this idea but the darkness of her droopy eyelids overwhelm her and she falls into a deep slumber. "Good idea lets watch her now." They look through the shiny mirror to see Willow using her sight seeker once again while still at school at 6:00! "Oh my lord what's she doing and how come her Mother hasn't seemed concerned yet!" Mischief shouts. "Look at the other side of the mirror!" on the other half of the mirror Willows Mom folds laundry not stirred by her daughters "disappearance".
"Let's keep watching sister, maybe she's allowed to be here just wait. Remember there are things called "after school" on Earth!" Mischief rolls her eyes but listens to Goodness. They watch on to see Willow find a certain file while using her sight seeker! "What's she doing now my majestic ones what's she doing now?!" Gracey asks curiously "I don't know but she seems to have found a document on a certain student...a student named Milestone!" "Hmm." they all say in unison. Willow sneakily walks towards the window and climbs down by using the vines "how witty of her!" Says Mischief completely delighted that her grandchild has seemed to take on some of her traits. Willow then runs to the address on the file and knocks on the door and of course, Milestone opens it. Next Willow says to the boy "hello there Milestone...I know your plan was to quote on quote "make my life horrible!" But sadly that's coming to end before it even began!!" She shouts at the boy and then balls her tiny hands into a fist, she then twitches her eyes and with all her might a quiet whoosh and twinkle of the eye gets Milestone so worried he stutters to her "ye—yes ma'am don't-dont listen to what I said before I was just joking I'll even be your best friend from this day forward I promise but please just-just don't hurt me oh powerful one!"
With a twitch of the eye and a subtle movement of the wind all by using her strength within Willow was able to get an obnoxious boy off her hands, but most importantly she gained an obnoxious boy too. "GIRLS, GIRLS did you all witness what I have! Our dearest child has discovered her power...the power of the wind, sun, moon, and stars! Do you know what this means!!! She's closer to knowing who she is! Maybe she'll know about everything before her fate comes upon her. Girls...she's slowly...going against fate!" The three high five each other and turn on "Spiritual radio 22" the station with all the hottest hits and dance until you drop bops! Earth may be knocked out but she hears bits and pieces, while she's drifting away in her solemn thoughts the words echo through her ears "going against fate."

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