The Story Of The Realms

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    "Now Earth why did you lie to Gracey about us not having enough power since the elements move?" "Oh, sisters for the same reason you guys didn't warn her." "Oh I get it...this is one of your tests sending people to other is your favorite thing to do huh.." "don't you dare judge me for my tests and for this whole situation we're in Mischief! It was all of our ideas and I just added onto it." "You know she means no harm Earth that's just how she is." "I know, I know." "My bad that I'm...just my bad" "it's fine mischief let's just get to work!"
"Dear daughter...are you ready to hear the story of this kingdom...the story of our people." "Oh yes, indeed Mommy! You did tell me one age ago that once I turn 7 you'd tell me so IM READY!" She giggles and runs to her bed grab her favorite blanket and get comfy. "Ok hahaha, you really are a character! Anyways here we go...A long time ago in the age of wind and sky, there was a kingdom created by these three magical stars. The star of Mischief who was in charge of making mishaps happen so that the Goodness star could collect the people who were strong enough to handle it or people who stayed positive during the mishaps. See those are the ones who once made up most of our population." "Ohhhh when does Earth come in!!!" "I'm getting there Cloudina. Ok so the star of Earth always dreamed of an imperfect place and a perfect place coming together but in a hidden way, so she created a place she called Earth with a powerful being way greater than her..he was a god and he was the sun at the time...anyways his name was Maximus and he had the power to turn things into objects."
"WOA HOW COOL...sawwy sawwy continue." "Oh love bug haha, well he turned the star of Mischief, the star of Goodness, and the star of Earth into magical souls that roamed the sky! He then lastly turned himself into a magical being as well and then created our utopia upon the clouds!" "So that's how the Kingdom of the Clouds came to be?!!" "Yep."
"Um, Mommy could you tell me what they look like and then tell all about the movement of the elements!!" "Cloudina I don't know it's getting late..." "but mama pleaseeeeeee!!!!!" A tired widowed mother yawns and sighs but then gives her daughter a loving smile. She began again "ok well since I am a Warrior Seeker in training as you know I see the three grandmothers quite often and they send me on all types of missions and so I've been doing this for so long I know all of there stories...sorry I'm rambling anyways Mischief oh she's the prettiest one with the evilest ways!! She has hair as black as the charcoal used to start a fire and the personality of all the grumpy old grandpas in the world hahaha. She has golden skin as bright and shiny as the stars in the sky! She wears a black cloak that sits on her wonderful broad shoulders behind her gray wings! She has humor as large as her wings and a smile as wretched as an evil sea urchin but deep down...I just know she has a heart of gold!" "Wowwww she sounds awesome explain more!"
"Well Mischief has a cheeky dimple almost nonexistent and a long nose almost like a witch! Oh and she has such a raspy voice for such a pretty face, she wears a black sacred robe that has gold flecks of powerful dust at the bottom! Then there's Goodness she has a very kind heart that comes with an amazing majestic voice that no one can ever copy! She has hazel blue eyes with specks of green that shine brighter than the sun and a white robe with gold stars all over giving off a glimmer almost as bright as her mind and soul! Her face is sweet but very petite and she has a figure of an hourglass with white and gold wings that match with her robe, lastly her hair as red as fire and as long as a tower it sits perfectly up in a bun that wraps around the halo on her head." "WOWZA I WANNA LOOK LIKE THAT WHEN I GROW UP!" "You already do. already do. Then lastly Earth with a beautiful smile comes a fierce soul! She has short stringy hair green like the freshest grass in all the sky and cloudy eyes that are almost completely black. That comes with of course a bright green gown that flows behind her in the wind showing her importance. Also a wonderful yellow crown with gems from every realm! I personally love her skin, as brown as a cocoa tree...she kinda looks like a tree I suppose." "Woahhhh I can't possibly believe that...they are awesome Mommy.." Cloudina closes her eyes and begins a wonderful slumber thinking about all the things she just heard!

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