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   Dear diary, it's been a while...I'm 14 now and I just want to tell you what's been happening lately. I've met this amazing kid named Milestone! We've been through a lot together, he's such a loyal "ff" he even applied to all the high schools I've applied to and when he didn't get accepted to the one I did he went there and begged! Wrote a whole speech and it was so good they accepted him! Ha can you believe it... you know what's even funnier? I used to despise him! He was such a bully to me on the first two days of school ever.... it was so infuriating that I used my seeing power to find his address and marched over there! I was so angry I unleashed new power on him...the power of nature! All things nature; I can hear the thoughts of the wind and the gossip of the Blue Jays! It's amazing and I think maybe the reason I have this is that I'm some kind of witch! My Mom found me in the woods mysteriously and one cool theory Milestone has about this is that My real Moms a witch who sent me to the woods as a newborn to find my true self! My first mission as a witch can u believe it! Lol
I've also been thinking, dreaming, and drawing all things clouds! I've been in love with clouds since....idunno forever I mean I have the drawings in the front couple pages to prove it! Lately, Idk it's gotten stronger, my love for clouds it seems as if all I think or do has some relation with clouds I feel so connected with them. So much so that I want to be an astronaut just so I can touch the clouds or a flight attendee, either way, I'll still be with the clouds! Here's another thing did you know that everyone says me and Miles are the type of forever friends or "ffs" that look like the perfect couple!??? Can you believe that craziness? Ha! Me, and Miles?! That's cute but no....well anyways nice talking to ya, you always were the outlet I needed to share my every thought with. I'm glad I found you again diary, your girl Willow!
"Girlies it's been a solid 4 days for us when for Willow I'm sure it feels like a whole 4 lifetimes...but her time is coming!" Earth signs and stares down from her podium to her sisters "we have only a day to prepare before the trials begin! The day after tomorrow at around 12:00 am we will summon an omen to the dream team who'll send that down to the Mother and daughter and they will see all of what we have seen. She will know her true self and her trials will begin..." the sisters bow to Earth and say in unison "oh queen of the sky, queen of day and night sky! We hear your words, we hear your words! Let your mighty words, mighty words soar in our minds like birds, like birds!" Earth with the hugest grin on her face can't help but tear up...her smile may make it seem like she has tears of joy! Undeniable joy but they are tears of horrible regret and sorrow, floating within her mind are these words "going against fate" Earth can't help but think...I dearly hope...she doesn't go against her trials...I hope at least one of my babies come back to me.

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