Chapter 18

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Riker Pov:

As much as i stalled for this moment, i was finally ready to call up Daniella and ask her out. I felt up my pockets and realized my phone wasnt there so i went to the kitchen and found it. I picked it up and called her with hesitation. What if she says no? I mean, Rydel told me she wasnt completely against the idea of us dating. I just need a distraction from Laura thats all. And im afraid if this doesnt work out, that ill probrably never be over that girl.

Daniella picked up, and instead of the cheery voice i remember hearing at the shop, i heard something completely different. 

"What do you want now Riker.." She said through the phone. What does she mean 'now'? 

"What do you mean now? You told Rydel you wanted me to call you, so i called you. Whats the problem?" I said quickly. My heart was doing cartwheels at the moment. 

"Your a stupid jerk. Dont fuck with my emotions. You think im depressing, and ugly. And I thought i told you to delete my number!" Daniella said, and i heard cracking in her voice as if she was about to cry. I never told her any of those things. 

"Daniella. I would never tell a girl something like that. Your beautiful, stunning actually. And when i met you, you had this personality that could just light up a whole room. I dont think your depressing at all." I said. There was nothing but silence on the phone. 

"But... You called me earlier and told me that. And what happened to your cold?.." Daniella asked breaking the silence and i got so confused. 

"Cold?? Um what cold? And i didnt call you earlier i was talking to Rydel."

"Then who called me?" Daniella asked.

I looked through my call history and it said someone did call Daniella. But it wasnt me.

"Im so sorry one of my brothers must of done this. We'll talk later, i have to handle this." I told Daniella. We said our Goodbyes and hung up.

Either Rocky or Ross did this. I thought they would be above this!  I went over to Rockys room and knocked the door as loud as possible.

"OPEN UP OR ILL KICK THE DOOR DOWN!" I yelled while basiclly attacking his door. I was past upset. This was the one chance i had to move on from Laura and one of my brothers tryed to mess it up for me. And they wonder why im ignoring them??

Rocky opened the door with a scowl on his face. I pushed passed him into the room and found Ross laid across the bed holding a xbox controller. I took the controller from him and threw it at the wall, and it broke into little pieces. Ross and Rocky looked at me in awe.

"Dude what the hell! I hope you know your paying for that!" Rocky said and sat down. I dont care about that. I need to know who tryed to sabotage me and Daniella.

"Who took my phone and pretended to be me while talking to Daniella." I asked and Rocky narrowed his eyes and shook his head while Ross just look away avoiding eye contact with me. Now i know who did it.

"Why Ross. I try to move on from the girl of your dreams and you do this? Do you enjoy making my life hell?" I ask him and he freezes.

"Im sorry but your already with Laura and then you try cheating her and wait what..? Your trying to move on? Parker told me you two were sneaking around together and were in love.." Ross says and i felt like pulling my hair out.

"Ross! Dont you see? Parker's telling you this to eff with your mind. Laura doesnt love me, she hasnt been sneaking around with me. Stop being so gulible and realize that everything Parker tells you is bullshit and hes just trying to get with Laura!" I yell and Ross just stares at me.

"Wow. I cant believe i believed him.. And i cant beilieve i let what he said get to me... I gotta fix this. With you. With Laura. I gotta text Laura." Ross says and takes out his phone and starts typing.

I look over to Rocky whos biting his nails, he only does that  when hes nervous...

"Rocky. Did you know about this.." I ask and he quicky shakes his head and looks down.

As much as i want to believe him, i cant. Whatever hes hiding better come out soon.

Or we'll just all find out ourselves.

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