Chapter 8

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~Riker Pov~

Riker: Laura and Ross should be back by now what's taking them so long?

Rydel: *shrugs* Maybe her and Ross are making out.

Riker: *Glares at Rydel* Shut up Rydel they probably just forgot where our room was.

Ratliff: Would there be a problem if they 'were' making out Riker?

Riker: *chuckles nervously* No.. No problems, why there be any problems I'm just looking for them that's all.. *starts biting my nails*

Rocky: *comes in and points to me* is he allright.

Riker: *yells* I'm fine!

Rocky: Whoa.. Don't gotta yell. I'm just looking out for you. *leaves the room*

Rydel: what's wrong. Why are you getting so worked up..? Is it because of Laur-

Riker: No. It's not because of her. *sits on the bed besides Rydel and Ratliff.

Ratliff: *plays with Rydels hair* Are you sure?? Everytime we mention her and Ross being together.. You always change the subject or leave..

Riker: So? I just don't like about talking her, who cares?

Rydel and Ratliff look to each other and start smiling.

Riker: *eyes widen* why are you guys smiling at each other like that.

Rydel: *pokes me in the stomach* you have a crush on Laura..

Riker: *stays quiet and looks at my hands*

Rydel: Aww you do!! I'm more of a raura girl but riaura is adorable too.

Riker: Riaura is never gonna happen.

Ratliff: don't say that. It could..

Riker: Ross likes Laura. Ross is my brother. Bro code guys.

Rydel: Oh right. Ok *moves closer to me* but if Ross continues to be a punk you better swoop her up.

Ratliff: Yeah dude. Do what you have to.

Riker: I guess. Ok I will give Ross this whole visit to ask her out. If he doesn't... I will.*starts to text on my iPhone*

~End of Pov~

Rydel: Good for you. Now where are those little rascals??

Ratliff: Rascals?

Rydel: Yes. *makes a goofy face*

Ratliff: You are too cute. Why are we still a secret.?

Rydel: I dunno. Going public would be to much work. Like our manager says, deny everything to keep out of trouble.

Ratliff: Yea but my princess is too beautiful, I wanna tell everyone.

Rydel: Aww.

Riker: *looks up from his iPhone* ugh when are the others coming??

Ross,Laura and Parker come down the hall towards the room. Parker and Ross where still arguing, and Laura tried her best to make peace between the two. They go in the hotel room and Laura is instantly showered with hugs.

Rydel: Laura I missed you so fricken much. *hugs her*

Ratliff: *hugs her after and squeezes her tight*

Laura: ow

Ratliff: sorry love. *missed you*

Riker: *scratches his head* um hi Laura.

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