Chapter 4

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Vanessa- Actually he did.. Look.

Vanessa points to the screen and Ross' name pops up.

Laura-(reads what he sent)

Ross- I guess ill focus on my tour and if you get the part you can focus on your movie or whatever. And you dont have to call me anymore, I dont really feel like taking to you.

Laura- Wow.

Vanessa- Come on Laura hes not even that mad. You both are preoccupied now so forget about him. Keep an eye on your phone to see if you get any good news from the casting agent instead.

Laura- Your right! I will.

Laura and Vanessa drive back home. While Laura waits for a text for the movie, Vanessa is secretly planning a party for Laura and invites all her friends from school. She also considers inviting Parker but she has to know if they got the part first.

In Poland with R5:

R5 left Japan an hour ago to go to Poland. Ross is a little mad, mainly because of the text he got from Laura, but still tries to be excited since its his first time going to Poland. Ross, Riker and Ryland were in their hotel room playing xbox and the other three were together.

Rocky- This is so awesome. We should learn Polish so we can talk to people.

Rydel- I wanna do it. How do you say 'hi'?

Ratliff- I dont. But theres a thing called the internet where you can look it up..

Rydel- Ugh. Shut up Ratliff I know.

Rocky- Hi is 'Czesc'..

Rydel- Czesc im Rydel omg I can say it.

Ratliff- Alright princess, good for you.

Rydel- Princess??

Ratliff- (laughs) My princess.

Rydel- Can your princess have a kiss?

Ratliff-Of course (brings Rydel closer to him and kisses her)

Rocky- Okayy if you two lovebirds are done..

Rydel- Whatever Rocky. You should go to Rikers room.

Rocky- Nope. Mom said not to leave you two alone.

Ratliff- (scoffs) We werent gonna do anything.

Rocky- Okayy sure, and im not gonna go and find a cute polish girl to hook up with..

Rydel- Are you being sarcastic??

Rocky- Yep im gonna go for a walk around the hotel. And for you two.. What happens in Poland stays in Poland.

Rydel- (throws a pillow at Rocky) Shut up. Bye Rocky.

With the other three:

Ryland- Ross you seriously suck right now whats wrong??

Riker- Yeah you have been acting different lately.

Ross- Okay ill tell you guys (pauses the game) But dont think that im not happy to be here, cause I really am.

Ryland- We know.. Just tell us.

Ross- (takes out his phone and shows them the text he got from Laura)

Riker- Ouch... Maybe she was just pissed off about something. I know she misses you, this really doesnt sound like something she would say.

Ryland- Yeah, maybe it was Vanessa

Riker- No way. Vanessa is an angel.

Ross- (smirks) Your just saying that because you have a massive crush on her.

Riker- I do not..

Ross- Do too.

Riker- Do not.

Ryland- Okay Riker we get it. You dont want to admit it but we already know its true.

Riker- Anyway lets get back to Laura.. Did you send her anything?

Ross- yeah this (shows him and Ryland what he sent)

Ryland- What?! You dont say that to a girl Ross.

Ross- Well she said something similar.

Riker- it doesnt matter.. Good luck trying to get out of this.

Back with Laura:

An hour after Laura and Vanessa get home, Laura got a text saying she got the part.


Vanessa- (walks into Lauras room) What why are you yelling. Wait did you-

Laura- (nods her head) yep

Vanessa- Wow congrats. Get dressed so we can go out for dinner.

Laura- Okay :)

Vanessa quickly runs downstairs to see everyone she invited. She gave them a thumbs up and they cheered

Vanessa- Shhhh. Okay this party is also to make her happy since shes been a little upset today soo just keep everything positive.

Everyone nodded and Vanessa quickly called someone else and then went back up to Laura.

Laura- Vanessa. Im ready lets go.

They both went down, Vanessa behind Laura who had no idea what was going on. As soon as Laura reached the last step, all the lights turned on and everyone yelled congrats.

Laura- (smiled) Vanessa, you didnt have to do this, ive gotten movie deals before

Vanessa- But the lead role? And im just looking out for my heartbroken little sister, who I sorta screwed over when I sent that text to Ross before.

Laura- thank you.

The doorbell suddenly rung and Vanessa smiles.

Vanessa- You should go get that Laura.

Laura- Okay.. (walks over to the door and opens it)

Parker- Laura :)

Laura- Parker hey, what are you doing here?

Parker- Your sister invited me.

Laura- (looks back at Vanessa who looks guilty) I really need to change the password on my phone.

Parker- (laughs) wait im happy she invited me, cause I have to tell you something.

Laura- What?

Parker- Guess whos your new co-star.

Laura- Uhh

Parker- Me Laura.

Laura- (hugs him) thats great. Okay come inside 'co-star' this party is officially for both of us

For the rest of the night Laura got to know Parker and she had fun with her friends. She had a great time and forgot about one person that had been on her mind since he got on that plane to start his tour. Ross.


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