Chapter 7

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R5 and Ryland were on the plane to Louisiana. Ross decided not to tell Laura they were coming so that he could surprise her. Meanwhile Laura was getting to know her cast a little better. Especially... Parker.

Laura: *out of breath from laughing* stop tickling me it hurts.

Parker: *sighs* fine.

He picks her up and sets her on her bed.

Laura: *eyes widen* what are you doing?

Parker: *smiles and gets over her* you told me to stop tickling you. This is definetly not tickling you.

Parker's Pov:

She's so beautiful.. I wish we could stay like this forever. She smells amazing, as always. And she's so fun to be around.

I think I'm falling for Laura. I can't just be friends with her. I can't.

Parker: *gets his face closer to hers* Laura.

Laura: Yes.. Parker?

Parker: I think I li- *gets cut off by the door opening*

In steps in a tall blond with a muscle shirt on. Who is this guy??

He looks towards me and Laura, and I remembered we were still in the compromising position we were in before. I quickly got off Laura who sat up blushing.

Ross: Laura!!!*goes over go Laura to hug her* I missed you soooo much! *picks her up and dangles her upside down*

Laura: *laughing* god, I missed you too but put me down!

Ross: *puts her down but hugs her again once he does but tighter*

Laura:*hugs back* don't let go just yet..

Ross: *smiles* I wasn't going to.

Parker: *coughs loud enough for Laura and Ross to hear* A-hem. Am I interupting something.

Ross: *lets go of Laura and go's face to face with Parker* Who the hell are you.

Parker: I could ask you the same thing. I'm Laura's co-star for the movie. Parker Mack.

Ross: I'm also Laura's co-star. For Austin and Ally. Ross lynch.

Laura: *nervous*And I'm both of your co-stars. Laura Marano. Whoooo, we all introduced ourselves!! Now where's the rest of r5?

Ross: *still glaring at Parker* they went to go get some rooms. Hey Peter? Do you have your own hotel room or do you stay with Laura. Cause you 'always' seem to be in here.

Parker: *scoffs* Oh. I have my own. It's just that Laura 'always' wants me here with her. I don't know about you, but I can't deny a girl. She wants, what she wants. *narrows his eyes at Ross*

Ross: *does the same*

Laura: Okay. Let's go to the rest of r5.... Before a fight breaks out..

Ross: Whose gonna be fighting?? Not me. Peter is gonna start it.

Parker: It's Parker you jerk. And I'm not starting anything. If anything. You would.

Ross: *mocks him* if any thing. You would. Shut up already. *grabs Laura's hand* shall we go beautiful??

Parker: .*grabs her other hand* yeah. Shall we?

Laura: *lets go of both of their hands* yeah I can't wait to see them .


Heyyyy guys! 540 reads. 😁. Vote comment and other things. And btw I need a cover. Kik me @jayadorable if u wanna make one for this book 😜. ThAnks lovelies

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