Chapter 3

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R5 has just arrived in Japan. They are really exited to start the tour. Ross is a little frantic though and keeps checking his phone for any calls or messages. They already unpacked there luggage at their hotel, and they were all getting ready to perform, except Ross who was in his own world, thinking about Laura.

Riker came into Ross' dressing room and sighed.

Riker: Ross. What are you doing we have to go on stage in 5 minutes.

Ross:(nods slightly)

Riker: (rolls eyes) It hasn't even been 24 hours and your already acting like a love sick puppy.

Ross: Its just that.. I want to call her, but I'm afraid she will be mad at me.

Riker: (laughs a little) Why would she be mad at you? Your over thinking things. She has no reason to be mad.

Ross: (perks up a little) Your right.

(takes phone and texts Laura) there done.

Riker: Wow you actually did it? You grew some balls over the past few hours I guess.

Ross: (mocks him) Whatever! Where's Rydel, Rocky and Ratliff?

Riker: Dressing rooms. I mean I expected this from Rydel but Rocky and Ratliff. Like this is unusual I should probably go see what's taking them so long, unless there waiting for us, I'd understand that.

Ross:(didn't pay attention to what Riker said and stared down at his phone.) *Why didn't she reply yet?*

Back in Cali:

Vanessa brought Laura to the audition. She's still bummed but tries to seem enthusiastic.

Vanessa: A Sort Of Homecoming. Oooh and its an indie film, you love indie films.

Laura: Yeah. Ross and I would watch them together.

Vanessa: (curses under breath) Were here to distract you. Look theres the scripts and stuff, learn some lines and lighten up. Acting always makes you feel better.

Laura: Right.. okay. (takes a script) I'll audition for young Amy, whoever that is.

Vanessa: There we go. (sees Laura's phone light up in her pocket. Has a feeling that its Ross texting her) Um you need to focus so give me your phone.

Laura: (confused) I guess. Let me check it first.(takes it out her pocket)

Vanessa: NO.. (grabs the phone and throws it into her bag.)

Laura: Why did you do that?

Vanessa: Cause... anyway look over your lines I'm gonna go to the restroom. (quickly goes into another room to read what Ross sent Laura)

Ross: You have no idea how much I miss you right now. Call me xx

Vanessa: *Oh so now he wants to try and confess his feelings. Punk.* (texts Ross for Laura)

Laura: Oh really cause I can't say the same. And sorry. I'm really busy auditioning for a movie not worrying about you.

Vanessa looks down and reads over what she read.

Vanessa:*this is a little harsh maybe I should delete some-* (accidentally presses the send button) Crap crap crap crap..

She quickly throws the phone back into her bag and walks out of the restroom, trying to pretend nothing happened.

Back with Laura:

Laura: Nessa what took you so long? I'm about to go in to audition.

Vanessa: (panics) I wasn't pretending to be you on your phone that's for sure.

Laura: (narrows eyes) I didn't say you were.. Anyways come on. (grabs Vanessa's hand and leads her to the auditioning room.)

Casting Agent: You are Laura Marie Marano right?

Laura: Yes and im here for the role of Young Amy.

CA: Okay. You have to audition with young Nick as well.

Laura: Who?

CA: Number 127843 please come in!  (she yells)

A handsome boy with brown hair and hazel eyes comes in and smiles.

CA: This is Parker Mack, he will be auditioning with you.

Laura: (looks down at her hands while Parker comes to stand in front of her) Hi..

Parker: Hi..

CA: Okay you two begin.

Laura and Parker read through their lines with a breeze and seem very comfortable acting with each other. Vanessa notices and smiles at the sight of the two laughing with each other, and having a good time.

CA: And scene. Wow, if I didnt already know, I would've thoughr you two have known each other for years. Great chemistry. The roles will be distributed later today.

Laura and Parker: Okay :)

They both walk out to be greeted by Vanessa who was more than thrilled.

Vanessa: You were awesome in there.

Laura: Thanks. I feel a little better I guess.

Parker: What happened before?

Laura: Nothing, its a personal issue. This is my sister by the way.

Vanessa: (waves at Parker) *whispers* He's cute to Laura.

Laura: *whispers* Shhh I know.

Parker: Oh well. I really hope we both get the part. I had a good time with you Laura.

Laura: Same here.

Parker: And um. Can I um. Maybe get your number or something. (he mummers while playing with his hands)

Laura: (laughs) Sure. Vanessa give me my phone so I can take his number down.

Vanessa: (eyes widen) Can't you just write it down somewhere?

Laura: No I'll forget it. Phone. Now.

Vanessa: Fine.. (goes in her bag and gets Laura's phone)

Laura:(Puts in his number as he says it) Thanks bye and good luck.

Parker: You too cutie.(walks away)

Vanessa: (biting her nails) He called you cutie. Nice.

Laura: (Faces Vanessa) Why were you acting so weird when I told you to give me my phone.

Vanessa: (sighs) I sorta kinda sent a message to Ross saying you don't miss him.

Laura: WHAT!

Vanessa: I'm so sorry I wasn't gonna send it but my hand slipped and I feel really bad.

Laura: (stands there in disbelief) you caused it, so your gonna fix it. Maybe he didn't see the message.

Vanessa: Actually.. He did, look.. (points to the phone)


Yes I added Parker Mack and what do u think Ross while say about the text. Will Laura get the movie deal? And what will happen between Laura and Parker. Please vote and comment if you want me to continue the story and send some ideas :)

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