Chapter 2

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Laura stood there at the airport  confused. It sounded like Ross was going to ask her out, and she was sure of it. But why did he stop. Why did he walk away.

Laura- *Ugh whats wrong with me Ross doesnt have feelings for me im just imagining things. He never has, and he never will.* (Laura thought to herself.)

She left the airport, and called a taxi to get home. Vanessa probrably isnt going to be to happy with Ross, since she was expecting him to ask Laura out before he left. She told her she was sure of it.

Laura Pov:

And here I thought Vanessa was always right. This was an exception.

I walked slowly into our LA house. The plane left about a half an hour ago and I feel empty. My other half is gone for 8 months, and I guess Im gonna have to stay strong untill he returns. At least I have Raini and Calum here with me.

I called up Raini to see if we can hang out later today, itll help me take my mind off of Ross.

Laura- (dialed raini's number)

Raini- Laura hey!!

Laura- Hey Rain! I was wondering if we can hang out later today.

Raini- Crap... Laura I forgot to tell you, im going to new york to film a movie for a couple of months.


Raini- (laughs) Im so sorry Laur. Its just they told me on such short notice and I was busy packing. 6 whole month to film the movie in NYC. Im so exicited.

Laura- Whoa six months is a lot. Im gonna miss you a lot :(. Wait what about Calum, he must be devestated that your leaving. I guess im hanging out with him today, and for the next 6 months. (laughs)

Raini- Uh Laur.. Actually, hes coming with me. Theres no way im being away from my boyfriend for that long.

I stayed silent over the line. Who would I hang out with??

Raini- (worried) Laura? You okay? Dont worry, 6 months will fly by.

Laura- (sad) Yeah, hope so. Bye Raini, text me when you land.

Raini- Okay. Again really sorry for telling you so late. Love you more than anything. WAIT I FORGOT TO ASK DID RAURA HAPPEN??

Laura- (looks down) No it didnt.

Raini- His loss. Text you later I got to go now, Calum is waiting. Bye love.

Laura- bye. (hangs up)

Laura walks over to her dresser and sees a picture of the Austin and ally pic they took at the last taping until season four. She smiled because her, Ross, Calum, and Raini were hugging, Ross especially hugging her with a huge grin on his face.

Laura- Theres no way I can make it without you. (she whispered, then looked at her charm bracelet)

Vanessa- Laura Marie Marano why are you not jumping with joy right now, you got what you wanted right?

Laura-(turns to face Vanessa and frowns) No. Ross didnt ask me out.

Vanessa- (walks infront of her than hugs her) Aww then you, Raini and I should have a girls day.

Laura- she and calum went to New York. Shes filming a movie.

Vanessa- Why didnt she ask you if you wanted to go with her. I would have let you gone.

Laura- (shruggs)

Vanessa- You need new people to hang with while there gone. Theres auditions for this movie right here in LA, its about kids in high school. I think you should audition for it.

Laura- (sighs) Mhmm

Vanessa- (smiles) I take that as a yes, lets go. (Grabs Lauras wrist to the car and drives her to the audition)

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