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Alex's POV (right after he leave to find Herc)

I hop into John's car and fucking ZOOM to the place I have been to multiple times.

Desperate times.

Once I get to the mansion's front, I try the doorknob; locked. I grab the key he gave me before we had a threesome and shove it into the keyhole.

I hear a little click and open the white doors.

Memories flooded my senses.

Fucking memories.

I hear a soft groan.

Damn; too late.

I dash upstairs and to Jefferson's room. The door was locked yet again, so I take this time to grab my credit card and pick the lock.

I then remember I still am shirtless. Oh well.

I open the door and see Herc sucking Jefferson.

I don't cringe or think of gross shit.

I just feel bad for the guy.

I stand up straight and knock on the already open door.

Jefferson's head bolts towards me, lust and manipulation in his dark eyes. "Aw, baby boy decided to join us!" He says to Herc.

I watch as Herc's face turns to displeasure to guilt and misery.

Jefferson will fucking pay.

I stand up as Herc pulls away, ass-naked. Like Jefferson.

I look at Herc, "Get clothes on. I can take care of this."

He nods thankfully, tears forming on his waterline. I hear the rustling behind me, but I think nothing of it as I tackle Jefferson to the bed.

Suggestive position, yes, but I pin him down.

Nothing but anger dancing around in my eyes, flames of fury building in my chest.

I lower myself to his ear and whisper as menacingly as possible, "Stay the fuck away from the people I care about before you dig a 6 foot deep hole, you're already halfway there."

I stand up off of him, walking over to Herc. He's crying near the door.

"Jefferson, don't fucking push me." I strain his name as a curse, helping Hercules up. Moments later, someone flies through the door.


I immediately run over to my boy and hug him tight.

I kiss his cheek before retreating over to the victim.

"Jefferson." John snarls at the naked guy laying on the bed.

When John was mad, he was hot.

Like hot.

"John, let's go." I urge, wanting to rid myself of the memories as soon as I can.

"Jefferson, leave us the fuck alone." John fires.

"Nope!" He pops the 'p', "You are all wrapped around my fingers like little dolls. All I have to do is mention someone you care about, and boom. All mine." His grin turns maniacal. 

"John, let's go." I say sharper, gritting my teeth.

"How many people have you played?" John asks Jefferson, once again.

"Let's see... your Eliza, you guys, now your Hercules, hm... Kitty, Martha Manning, Sally Hemings... list goes on." He says while playing with a ringlet of hair.

I watch as John smirks and waves a 'bye' to Satan.

I grab Herc's arm, linking it with mine. I pull him downstairs and to the car, John's. John hops into the pink one, Angie's, and drives off soon after us.

My phone rings.

"Herc, can you pick that up, please? Put it on speaker." I ask and he nods.

"Thanks, Alex. You- you helped me so much..." I hear the pain in the usually strong man's voice.

We'll have a talk.

I nod, "Of course."

"Baby boy!" Herc snickers as he reads the name popping up on my screen. He answers the call and turns the volume up.

"Hey baby, what's up? What couldn't wait?" I ask, worried that he did something.

Herc smirked at the nickname before I rolled my eyes at him.

"Tell Herc that Laf knows everything. I explained to him. Laf is with Washington right now. Also, I kept asking Jefferson questions because I was recording. I have evidence, Lex!"

I silently thank God that he didn't decide to call me 'daddy' at this moment, even if it's usually a kink thing. He likes to do it for fun... in public while people stare at us.

"On speaker, actually. And good job! Hopefully this prick gets out of our lives."

A muffled agreement came from Herc while John started rambling about how much he hated him.

Now Herc knows we had a threesome.

I end the call awkwardly, "Herc, don't you dare say a fucking thing to anyone, or I will say about how you have a bondage kink."

Not even Laf knew. Herc was drunk with me one day and spit it out. He's lightweight and I don't often get drunk quickly, so I remembered everything.

"Fuck you." He whispers.

I laugh, "That's Laf's job, good sir."

And with that, we pull into student parking and run to the office.

Low and behold, Laf had dried tears splotched on his usually perfect complexion, which was now red.

I do finger guns to G.Wash.

Finger guns. He chuckles softly and urges us to all sit down, John joining us.

John sends the video to Washington, who looks pleased.

"Good work, John. Hercules, did he try anything on you?" Washingdad said, full of concern.

I trust this man with my life.

"Uh-erm... nothing really happened." He whispered.

Washington nodded, noting the sensitivity of the subject.

Eventually, we all head back to our respective dorms and I soon get a text from Laf.

Labaguette: herc only barely gave him a bj. thank the lord.

Alex: good, im glad you guys are okay. tell herc that, too. love u guys!!!!

Labaguette: love u too, mon ami! <3

I turn off my phone and sit next to my boyfriend. We cuddle on the sofa and watch Heathers. Our movie.

We soon turn to the musical. I play one of my favorite songs immediately.

"Our love is God..." I whisper under my breath, pulling my boyfriend closer.

My John.

"Our love is God..." He whispers back, laying his head on my shoulder.

And for once.

Everything was okay again.

(a/n this chapter made me so happy hhhhhh)

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