This Guy

443 32 25

John's POV

We head to the diner, 20 minute drive.

We slide into our booth.

As soon as I sit down, my phone dings.

Alex: <1 image attached>

The selfie.

I save it, smiling. We're cute.

I add it to a new folder.

"This Guy"


"I'm excited for our date you have planned." Lex says after a bit, putting his phone down.

We lock eyes.

"Me too." I whisper back.

I have a cute picnic planned at the park, fairy-lights on the trees.

The park is where a lot happened.

Where Alex punched me.

Where I attempted.

Where I fell in love.

I snap back into reality after fantasizing how the date will look.

Alex smiles widely at me and he pulls be back into his ocean eyes.

"I fucking love you." I mutter under my breath, quietly.

"Hm? What was that?" His smile falters, looking worried.

"I love you, Alex." I say a bit louder. He smiles and grab my hand that lays on the table.

Next thing I know, he pulls me into a kiss over the table.

He pulls away and smiles.

After we finish eating and get our milkshakes, we drive back to the dorms. My first class starts at 12 pm, next is at 2 pm, last is at 4 pm.

So I have all morning and an hour after class to get decorating. Also, Peggy and Martha said they would help.

It's still only 7 pm when we get back.

I flop onto my bed and Alex lays next to me.

"Yes?" I ask, grabbing my phone from my pocket.

"Hello." Is all he says before wrapping an arm around my waist.



"Fuck off, get out of my bed." I tease, ticking his side.

He eventually bursts into tears out of laughter and gets into his own bed.

We do school work in silence for the rest of the night.

I wake up when Alex's alarm goes off.

7 AM.

"Alex go the fuck back to sleep. You have class at 12!" I yell, muffled by my pillow.

"I need to work."

"Then go somewhere." I retort, wanting time to set-up.


"Laf and Herc's. They managed to trade dorm-mates and are with each other now."

"They'll probably be fucking."

"Burr's. Madison shared with him but he's..." I use air quotes, "'dead'."

He laughs softly and nods.

"Alright, ba- John."

"It's fine."


"Calling me 'baby'. You did it a few times one day. I don't mind." I internally freak out at the name. It's not a turn-on, but it makes me feel special and... I dunno. Loved.

"Oh... I- uh..."

"Just go to Burr's."

"Okay, John. See ya." He leaves with a wave. As soon as the door closes I sit up.

John: u up?

Martha: yep! pegs is with me at the park now.

John: omw, 20 mins.

And with that, I go down the opposite hallway of Burr's and bolt down the stairs.

24 minutes later, I arrive at the park.

I get out and see fairy-lights tangles across a bunch of trees.

Above our bench.

I smile as I watch Peggy kiss my sister. It's soft and caring. The way Alex did to me.

"Hey homos, work!" I yell, laughing.

They blush and nod quickly.

I walk up to Peggy and punch her shoulder in a joking manner, "So... my friend is fucking my sist-"

"No! We haven't had sex, John! I'm not a horny ass like you!" She teases, slapping me.

"Abusive!" I yell before messing her hair up. She groans and fixes it while I help them hang up the lights

Once we finish, it's only 10 am.

The lights are spread across about 8 different trees over the bench.

The bench.

I already have a bunch of sandwiches and chips and shit packed at the dorms.

Peggy lays down a blue and green picnic blanket down.

Alex and my favorite colors.

It's perfect.

I get back to my dorm at 10:30 am, Alex was back.

"Jesus Christ, John... You had me worried. I've been looking for you for an hour!" He says, breathing heavy.

"I was with Martha... I'm sorry, Lex. I'm back." I offer a small smile and he returns it.

"I thought you..." He breaks off, his eyes getting glossy.

I run up to him and hug him, "No, no... shh... I'm here. I'm here with you." He picks me up and my legs wrap around his waist while his hands are on my ass, holding me up.

It's not sexual. Just a moment.

My arms slide behind his neck, my forehead against his.

His warm breath blows onto my cheek, causing me to blush.

"Aw, Johnny likes this..." He whispers before kissing me softly.

"No... I just like you... being with you." I reply back just as quietly.

He blushes and nods, "Same here, baby..."


I love him.

He holds me tighter and his lips are against mine again.

We move in sync until he bites my lip softly.

I let him in.

His tongue is in my mouth and he pushes me up against the nearest wall. It gets heated.

My legs stay around him and he removes his hands from my ass, moving to pin my hands above my head. He holds me against the wall and his other hand travels under my shirt, his cold fingers touching my warm skin, giving me chills. I unwrap my legs around him and he lets me go softly, making sure I don't fall on my ass.

I give him a final hug, "I- We need to get to class soon." I whisper.

I check my phone and it was only 10:36. I didn't want to go any further until maybe later, after the date.

We continue our day through classes and I finally get back to the dorms at 4:34.

John: light em up sis

Martha: on it

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