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Tom's POV

I love Alex. I am in love with Alex. But John? Nope! Hate 'im. I've been in a poly relationship before and hell, I'm a jealous type apparently.

I punched someone because they liked the same person I did.

John's POV

I like Alex a lot. I miss us. We had so much together, but Thomas Jefferson ruined it all! That's him. A fuck-up. Like me. I hate myself, so therefore I hate Jefferson. Alex is a sweetheart hidden behind a leather jacket. Thomas can corrupt him, like he did to me. He's a threat.

I am always there for Alex. Not one moment went by where I didn't make sure he was okay and happy. Jefferson just wants him because he's hot and hella good in bed. Like really good.

Not the time, John.

Thomas admitted he liked it! He said Alex was good! He probably just wants sex and then that's it.

I like Alex's cuddles and his weird cologne that makes me think of him every time I see it. And his soft hair between my fingers when I pull on it, causing him to moan. And his chapped lips that are oddly soft against my own, and how our hands fit together like a puzzle. The way our legs would tangle up when we sleep and how I would wake up to his tranquilizing heartbeat and I would go back to sleep. And how we would shower together. Not sexually, just in each other's presence and we would wash each other's hair. I used my shampoo on him and it smelled like flowers and he would basically dump his cologne on it. The way he would come up behind me and pull my waist back into his arm. The way he would trail kisses up my jaw before kissing me passionately. I don't just want sex! I want him. I need him. It's like withdraw. I had him once, I quit, and now that he's right here and it would be so easy to get him back. He's a drug that I desperately need to function.

But he likes Jefferson.

Alex's POV

John and I had history. It was amazing.

Tom and I have a start.

Should I continue what I left off or start a new story?

Should I throw my old book away or open up the dusty pages and continue?

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