Did He Change?

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Alex's POV

I wake up in a weird place, I feel like I'm on a cloud. I open my eyes and the sun shines through the window. The said window is a wall, like the wall is a fucking window. A sheer white curtain lets a lot of the light in. The room is almost entirely white, with hints of grey. I sit up and remember everything from last night.

I kissed Thomas Jefferson. It felt nice.... right.

I tip-toe the spiral staircase that are right outside of the door.

I peak around a wall and see Madison pinning TJ against a wall. TJ's try to get out of his grasp, but Mads is beefy as hell. Madison leans in and kisses TJ roughly, whose eyes are wide open and shaking his head.

"Hey guys." I walk in casually.

Madison looks over at me and Thomas pushes him down. He runs over to me and lifts me up, hugging me.

He whispers into my ear, "He's crazy... he-he was trying to sleep with me last night." There's pain in his voice.

I hug him back and nod. I hear the door slam shut, but right now, I don't care. It's just Thomas and me. He eventually puts me down, his eyes glossy.

"It's only 6:30, by the way." He says softly. I nod and notice the height difference for the first time really. I'm almost 5'8" and he's about 6'. That's a solid 4 inches.

I get on my toes and lightly kiss his cheek. He smiles and lifts me up by my waist, kissing my cheek. I let out a soft chuckle and he sets me down.

"What do you want to eat, Alex?" He asks while walking into the living room-sized kitchen.

"Anything." I smile and sit on the stool by the breakfast island.

"Chocolate croissants?"

I nod, "Yeah."

He smiles and gives me a $10, "Grab us coffees."


I get up and walk across the crosswalk to Starbucks.

Laf and Herc are at a booth. I order Thomas and me coffees and sit next to them for a second.

"Hey boys." I say, sipping my black coffee.

"Hey, you never went back to the dorms? John was worried sick." Herc states.

"I was at Thomas'." I say simply. They choke on their food and Laf stares at me.

"Thomas Jefferson?"

I nod.

"He forced you to have sex with him! And then he threatened John-"

"He told you?" I ask.

They nod in sync and Laf continues, "He's a bad guy, Alex."

"That was two years ago. He's sweet. Also, Madison kind of hates me." I stand up.

"Of course, and just... be careful, my friend." Laf adds before I walk out of Starbucks.

I run across the street without getting hit and make it back to the mansion. Madison is back over and Thomas is hugging him.

I drop the coffees, frozen.

Thomas turns around quickly and hugs me- before I punch him in the stomach.

"What the fuck, Thomas?" Tears gather in my eyes.

"He was forcing himsel-"

"Don't pull that on me, Thomas. I saw you hugging him. His arms were by his sides." I spit, throwing the change from the coffees at him.

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