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Alex's POV

John opens the door and sees me against Thomas Jefferson. Shit.

I sit up and Thomas looks at me, also panicking.

I stand up and slide through the door while John shuts it loudly.

"What the hell is he here for?" He yells.

"Drop it, John. We need to talk!" I try to avert the subject, but he doesn't.

"Thomas Jefferson and you were basically cuddling! You knew he threatened me!"

"You could've done something two years ago! Damn it, John, don't flip the fucking tables!" I retort.

"He told me he would kill you!"

"And you didn't fight back! You could've! You can barely do anything now! That was two years ago! And now he's changed. Don't fucking counter-act that, John! You've changed, too! You jerk off both times I come to see you, and you told me to leave because you were fucking some girl!" I yell, tears gathering on my waterline.

He stands there, shocked.

"Laurens, please. It's my life. I was here to see if you changed as well. And you did. I'm out of here, Laurens." I say his name as if it's a curse. I turn on my heel and put my hand on the door knob.

"A-Hamilton. I- I love you."

"I loved you, too, Laurens. But I gave you chances." I open the door and see Thomas standing and reading a book.

He looks up and gives a soft smile.

"Can we go, Thomas?" He nods and grabs my hand. I look back at Laurens. He's not sad. He's annoyed. Angry.

We intertwine our fingers and he starts talking.

"How wa-"

"Don't. Bad."

He nods, watching my facial expressions.

"You should've grabbed your stuff."

"Yeah. Too late." He shakes his head and lets go of my hand.

He stops walking, "I can grab it for you."

I smile and nod softly, "I can get coffee- I have money."

He turns around and walks back to my dorm.

I get to Starbucks before I even realize.

Thomas Jefferson, the guy who threatened my ex, was falling in love with me. He is now at the dorm with the guy who could easily get me back. This isn't a good scenario. I sigh, pocket my money, and bolt out the door.

I run as fast as I can up to my dorm. I shove myself against the door, forcing it open.

I'm glad I did.

Thomas had an angry scowl on his face and had John's collar in his grasp. Thomas held him about 6 inches above the ground so he could stare face-to-face. Immediately, John looks at me. Thomas doesn't notice I'm here, it seems.

John struggles even more, and Thomas slams his fist against John's jaw.

I run in and catch John as he falls from Thomas' grasp.

"John! Are you okay?" I ask quickly, sitting him in my lap.

He nods softly, his eyes darting from different sides.

"Sh, John, stay awake, please." I whisper, rocking him and touching where Thomas hit him. I lift him up and take him to the bathroom. I sit him on the counter and he sways lightly, not falling. I grab a cloth and run it under cold water, placing it on the spot that's destined to bruise.

"Thomas, get ice, please!" I yell, holding the cold cloth on his face.

"Why?" He shouts.

"Please! For me?" I yell, pain in my voice.

The guy I was in love with was in pain. Every time I saw him in pain, I would cry. I don't know why, but it always happened.

Like when his dad hit him and I saved him. Why didn't I try to stop Thomas?

Soon enough, Thomas comes and and gives me an ice-pack. He sits on the side of the bathtub.

"Why the fuck did you hit him, Thomas?" I ask, anger growing.

"He told me he would take you back from me."


"I... like you, Alex."

"That's not a fucking excuse! You both are like children! What if I don't like you and like John? Or vise versa?"


"Shut it, Thomas. Would you force me onto you again so you don't hurt him? Remember when you told me you would rape him if I didn't have sex with you? Yeah? I hope so, because it's burned in my brain! Remember afterwards you told me you were straight? Because I do!" I scream, tears streaming down my face and onto John's leg.

I hold the ice to his face while he bit his tongue.

"I'm sorry, John. I'm here, shhh." I coo while he cringes at the pain and cold of the ice.

He nods softly. I pick him up and carry him to his bed. Thomas follows. I sit next to him as he holds the ice against his jaw.

"Can I see?" I ask softly. He removes the ice and there is a giant purple mark, the size of, well, a fist. I nod.

I look at Thomas, who's sitting on my bed, and shake my head with a fake smile.

"Good job, Thomas. You can go back. I'm staying with John until I know he's okay."


"Just fucking leave, Thomas." I say quietly.

And with that, he's out the door.

I wrap my arm around John, remember how good it felt a couple of years ago.

He starts crying and envelopes me in a hug.

"Th-thank you..." He whispers through sobs.

"Of course, John. I'm here for you. Thomas can be a dick."

He laughs, "You can say that again. All I said was that I... I still liked you."



"I know you don't feel the same. That's okay. I just don't want to lose you- again."

I nod and hold him tighter.

Do I like him?

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