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Alex's POV

I wake up in what seems to be my bed. I open my eyes, expecting Thomas to be there.

But it was John.

My heart fluttered... it's him.

He looks so peaceful when he sleeps, his head on my bare chest.

Everything floods back from yesterday.

We got Jefferson and Madison arrested, apparently they've threatened a lot of people and more recently as well. Just John and me.

My boy and me.

The love of my life.

I already have my hand on his ass, just his boxers separating my touch. Apparently unconscious me also realizes that his ass is cute.

I squeeze it softly and his eyes jolt open, bolting back and forth until noticing someone is next to him. His eyes meet mine before a small smile forms on his delicate face.

He's beautiful.

His green eyes, his freckles painted on his tan skin, his defined abs, his thin but short stature, his little nose and lips... his ass.

It makes me fall in love with him, just like in so-senior year of high school.

He scoots up so we face each other, laying on our sides. I lay a soft kiss on his nose.

"Hi, gorgeous." I whisper, brushing a piece of his hair behind his ear.

"Hi..." He replies, even quieter. His eyes close.

He's not a morning person.

I kiss his lips softly. He's up.

He smiles against my lips and melts into me. I grab at his hair while he reaches behind my neck, pulling us closer.

Eventually, I pull away.

"Gotta get up, Johnny. Classes." I mutter while I sit up.

He rolls his eyes and sits up beside me.

I stand up and he jumps on my back. I laugh and walk into the small hallway.

"Oh no!" I say sarcastically as I 'fall' into a wall, causing John to lose grip on my neck.

But his legs are still wrapped around me and he's hella strong.

He pulls himself up easily.

"Damnit." I mutter, smirking.

I plop onto the couch back first, basically crushing him.

"L-LEX!" He screams, muffled in my hair.

Lex. I like the sound of that rolling off his tongue.

I sit up and turn, laying on top of him with our chests pressed together.

I pepper his face with kisses and trail down to his jaw.

I don't leave any marks until I get below his collarbone.

Only for my eyes.

I trail love-bites and hickeys down to his waist.

I sit up and smirk, "Perfect." I hop off of him and start making pancakes. He groans and play what I assume is Trivia Crack.

Our game.

I'm currently beating him in 3 different games, only needed 1-3 characters.

I get a notification on my phone that I sat on the counter.

"JLaurs54 got an answer wrong. You're turn!" I say out loud while my bo- nope, my really good friend muttering random things. "Johnny, I love youuuuuu." I tease.

I mean it.

I look over and see him sit up quickly, his head popping up over the back of the couch.

He's bright red.

I smirk and wink, turning back around to the food.

"R-really?" I manage to hear him whisper.

I leave him on irl read.

I finish the food and turn the burners off, placing the plates on the coffee table in front of the couch.

I look at him, "Yeah. I do." I whisper. I grab my fork.

Until I drop it due to the force on top of me. John pins me down underneath him.

"I love you, too, Lexi." He kisses me passionately before pulling away.

He sits back to his previous, like nothing happened.

"Cool." I stutter, eating a piece of pancake.

"Indeed, Lex- oh shit, is it okay if I-" John starts.

"John, it's okay. I like it when you say that name. It's our thing." I reply, taking a sip of coffee.

"We should go on a date tomorrow, Friday." John proposes, drinking tea. Shut up, green tea.

I pause everything. He's asking me out. I blush, almost choking on my coffee, "Yeah, I'd like that, John. Where?" I try to redeem myself.

"Surprise date? I wanna do something for ya." He answers while opening his phone.

I put my left hand on his thigh, like old times. His face flushes red, but I pretend not to notice.

He's adorable.

"I'm sorry, but put your phone down." I say.

He raises an eyebrow, but complies.

He looks at me and I tackle him down.

"I just really wanted to kiss you like this." I say in a low voice, pressing my lips against his, coated with strawberry chapstick that I already got a slight taste of earlier.

I bite his lower lip, hoping for entrance. He smiles and tightens his lips into a line.

"Fight me." I whisper before sitting up. He laughs and sits up with me.

He kisses me softly and opens his mouth slightly, sighing.

And we make-out for a bit. My hands on his waist and his in my hair.

I love life.

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