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John's POV

"Ooooh, Lexi!" She teases, probably going through our texts. Honestly, I got a new phone when I left. Nothing was really on there.

As if on cue, she says, "Boring!"

"Pick a damn movie, Martha." I joke.

"50 Sha-"

"No, I'm not watching porn with my 16 year old sister."

She chuckles, "How about our movie?"

Our movie. 

The movie we would watch when we were home alone.

And depressed.

To All the Boys I've Loved Before.

"Yeah! I think I already have it bought... and it's on Netflix."

"Got it, broski."


"Okayyyy." She laughs and opens Netflix.

Eventually, her breakfast is done and I make similar stuff for me.

"Coffee, tea, water, soda?" I offer, placing the plate in her hand.

"Tea, please."

"On it."

I bring back two cups of hot tea as we watch the cute movie.

It turns 10:30. We skip through the boring parts of the movie, so we finish it early.

Alex opens the door.

He throws his bag down and Martha stands up.

Martha literally jumps over me and lands on the floor, running into Alex's embrace.

He picks her up and spins her around, kissing her cheek.

"Holy shit, Martha... It's been too long! You're old!" 

She laughs and nods, "Alex, I've missed you so fucking much." They hug tightly for a minute until Alex lets her go.

"Alex, I told her that we would explain... everything. She's 16. She'll understand it. She'll hate me. But she will still have you." I inform him quickly.

"John, how could I hate you?" Martha cuts in.

"It's a lot. If you end up hating me, it's okay. I hate myself over it, too."

We sit on the carpeted bedroom with bean bags. One each. Alex and I on one side, next to each other, and Martha on the opposite side.

"Okay... so, Jefferson threatened me. He told me he would kill Alex if I didn't..." I trail off, causing tears to find their way to my eyes.

"Rape me, basically." Alex fills in. Her eyes widen with shock, anger, worry, and sadness.

"D-did you?" She says shakily.

I burst into tears and nod my head.

"John! You fucking idiot! I-"

"Martha, shut the fuck up." Alex cuts in sharply. "He would've been raped and I would've probably been dead if he didn't. The Jeffersons are a rich family and most of them are lawyers. They get away with everything."

Eventually, Martha and I both calm down. Alex talked to her privately about the ordeal. We take our seats again.

"I have more. Whenever I left... I... I- attempted..." I stop.

She understands.

Her mouth drops and tears form again.

"9 times." Alex butts in.

That turned on the water works.

She was bawling.

I sat her on my lap on my beanbag and held her close.

"And I had severe depression, and now I'm recovering from anorexia and bulimia." Alex says, causing more sobs to exit Martha.

We calm down once more.

"That's about it. Besides the fact the Jefferson hooked up with us- I mean... me..." Alex tried to cover himself up.

Martha bursts out laughing, "You had a threesome?"

I awkwardly nod and mess with my fingers.

"It was weird. Don't recommend." I state, soon followed by a "Agree." from Alex.

She smiles softly, "Continue."

"He just used us for sex!" I say with jazz hands, causing both people to laugh softly. "Mads is apparently dead. Dunno. Also, should've mentioned that they got put in jail but, as I said, Jeffersons are rich lawyers. They got out."

And I caught her up on everything.

"So you guys dating... or?" She prods.

"Not exactly."

"Kind of but not really."

Alex and I say almost at the same time.

Martha shoots up, "Why not? Come on! You dated for a year already!"

"Martha, I think we want to work out ourselves first. Alex is still recovering, and, frankly, so am I. I cut pretty recently." She nods in understanding and gives us both a tight hug.

It was somehow 11:15 AM.

"I need to get to class in 20, so we should do something." Alex proposes.

"Like..?" Martha questions.

"Make-over!" I shout, reaching over to my make-up bag.

"Alex does one have and you do the other!" Martha adds, "Whoever wins in my opinion will get a longer hug!"

Damn, her hugs were to kill for.

"GO!" She shouts.

After 15 minutes, I am declared the winner and Alex heads to class.

I wipe the make-up off of her face and kiss her forehead.

"Do you hate me?"

"John, no. I understand what happened. It was shitty. But Alex forgives you, so I do, too. I love you, Johnny."

"Love you, too, Marti."

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