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(a/n have fun)

Alex's POV

I look back over at John and he's in tears, sobbing on the floor next to my bed.

"John, you do realize that this is a threat. We, no, you can easily turn him into the police."

"He's rich. His dad is a lawyer. There's no way."

Shit. He has a point.

"Isn't Mr. Washington like a lawyer?" I remember him talking about it one day, but I wasn't paying attention.

John jumps up and nods his head. I stand up and grab my phone.

Alex: hey tj imma be a bit late. i have to drop my laptop off at a shop to fix it.

TJ: ight.

I put my laptop under my bed so if he comes to look for me, which he will, it will be a little believable.

John and I run down the stairs to the main desk.

"Mr. Washington!" I yell anxiously.

He slides his spinny-chair over to us.

"Yeah, boys?"

John shoves him his phone and begins to turn red, out of embarrassment or sadness, no clue.

I mean, it talks about fucking me and stuff.

"Holy shit..." Mr. Washington mutters quietly, handing the phone back.

"When did all of this happen?" He asks.

"Senior year." John answers, twiddling his fingers.

"You waited nearly two years to bring this up?"

"Yeah... long story. A lot of things happened." John responded.

"I can call Thomas Jefferson down here to spe-"

"No, no, no, no." John cuts him off. "I don't want to see him. Just get his phone or something if you need more proof?"

Mr. Washington nods, "Okay. I can sort this out." He gives a soft smile and we retreat back up to our dorm. I grab my laptop and put it in my back and none other than the Thomas Jefferson walks into the dorm.

"Hey TJ." I say while zipping my bag up.

"You're rooming with... him?" He sounds sad and disgusted at the same time.

"I know, right?" I whisper, "Sucks. I come in and he's fucking a girl."

TJ laughs a bit and smiles. His eyes light up with... approval.

He did. He literally did it.

I walk up beside Thomas and wrap my arm around TJ's neck. I feel his face turning red and honestly, he is kind of cute. His arm slithers around my waist as we walk to his mansion.

Right as we walk in, music is blaring. The smell of booze and weed fills the air, along with TJ's fancy-ass cologne. Madison glares at me, Burr is taking shot after shot, Lee is grinding on some girl, and that's pretty much the gist of the parting. People smoking, drinking, and probably fucking.

I look over and Laf and Herc are sitting on a couch taking drags of a joint. Other guys are around them, some touching Laf. He is pretty hot, so I'm not surprised.

TJ retracts his hand from my waist and brings it to my hand, which has fallen from his neck. He intertwines our fingers and he drags me over to Madison.

"Hey, Mads." I smile politely while he rolls his eyes. What did I do?

Oh yeah. He's in love with TJ.

"Bitch." TJ mutters. I laugh softly and lean against his tall stature.

He takes me to a couch across from the stoners. This couch was pretty much empty. Keep in mind every couch he owns holds up to 10 people. Each.

He wraps his arm around me on the couch and my head falls on his shoulder. We listen in on conversations and people gossiping amongst themselves.

"Y'know, it's nice not seeing you drunk out of your mind." I say softly.

I feel him shiver and he nods. "It's nice being aware of my surrounds, well, you."

I smile a bit. He's kind of sweet. He just wants to be with me. That's not so bad.

But he did threaten to kill me and fuck John.

John messed up. He could've gotten someone earlier, but he didn't. He doesn't care that much about me.

TJ just wants me, and that's cute. He smells nice, too.

"Hey Alex?"

"Yeah, Thomas?"

"Can we... try, uh, us? Like a date or something?"

"Yeah. Give me details and I will be there."

I see his face in the dimmed light. He turns a bit red and nods.

You know, it's kind of a romantic mood.

I sigh and sit on his lap, facing him. My legs straddle him in the least sexual way possible. I wrap both of my hands behind his neck, and then I lean down and hug him. Nothing else, just a hug. His arms wrap around me and his hands meet on my back, rubbing little circles.

I rest my head high on his chest, below his throat, his chin resting on my head.

It's nice. It's sweet.

He softly kisses my forehead, "You can stay over tonight, Alex."

"I'd like that, but I have class at 8:30."

"I do, too. I can wake ya up." His accent thickens a bit. It's hot, it reminds me of- no. No, not everything has to do with him.

"Cool." I whisper.

"Cool." He says back, hugging me tightly.

I don't remember falling asleep, but I wake up while being picked up. I don't hear anything except the soft beating of Thomas' heart. He's carrying me bridal style, his cologne clogging my senses.

I hear him whisper, "Look how small and precious he is!"

"Yuck." I hear the other voice. Madison.

"Shut up, James. Just because I fucked you twice, doesn't mean we dated. I think I like him."

"But you also fucked him!"

"It was better than you." He retorts. I try really hard not to laugh, and I don't.

I hear little tip-taps and assume he carries me upstairs. I bounce in his arms, but he holds me tightly. It's nice being the once whose protected, not protecting.

Eventually, I feel myself on a bed and a blanket being thrown over me. I feel a sink in the mattress. I see a light shadow through my closed eyes and feel a presence over my face. It's obviously TJ.

His lips lightly brush my forehead.

This is good timing.

I quickly scoot myself up so he kisses me, on the lips.

He hear him gasp and mutter, "shit shit shit shit..." over and over.

"Alex? Please say you're up and did that on purpose? I can't have that, knowing I kissed you without your consent..."

I open my eyes and see his eyes glossy. I smile softly and wink, proceeding to close my eyes.

"Damn, Alex... You fucker."

I giggle softly, "Night, Thomas."

"Night, Alex."

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