Thomas The Tank Engine

616 28 142

Thomas' POV

I'm sitting there, hand on Alex's knee, and all three of us are crying. Mean Girls is crazy.

Alex sits up, causing both me and John to look at him confused.

He just smiles and turns the TV off. He slouches against the back of the couch, not touch either one of us.

"You guys make me wanna die sometimes." He mutters, smiling.

"What." I say, not even a question.

John just raises and eyebrow.

I mean, I guess he is kind of cute. Like hella cute. Extra cute. Cuter than Alex kind of cute. Alex is more of a hot kinda guy. John is adorable. I wanna fuck him unt- okay we are stopping there. I don't like John, but I would gladly smash. Hard.

Alex is hot. I would fuck him. I mean, already did, and he's damn good. I guess I would cuddle John while smashing his ex boyfriend. Gladly.

I'm getting horny just thinking about it so let's stop before anything noticeab- oops. Too late.

Alex's POV

"Hey Tommy?"

His face is red as he looks at me, "Yeah?"

"Do you have a boner?" I snicker, noticing his dick raising a bit.

He brings his knees up to his chest, "What ever do you mean?" his accent shows.

"You're hard, go take a cold shower or something." I mutter, John resting his head on my shoulder.

"You should join, Lexi." Tom smirks.

"Don't fucking call me Lexi, yeah? Just go." I grit my teeth at the name.

Only John can- nope. Only John could call me Lex and Lexi. Only my mom and him.

Thomas nods and rushes to the bathroom.

"Hey John?"


"Do you still like me. Like do you really?"

"I mean, I never stopped..." he whispers.

I nod, "I think I like you, too, but I also like Thomas. I dunno."

He looks both sad and happy, "No matter what, no poly-ness from you. I do not wanna see that guy naked." He pretends to shudder as we both laugh softly.

"Speaking of which..." I mutter, standing up. John follows reluctantly as I grab his arm.

I make a 'sh' motion and walk to the bathroom door.

I knew it.

He's moaning. He's jerking off in my shower.

I stifle a laugh and listen closer. John puts his ear up to the door as well.

"Alex!" He moans quite loudly. Followed by a "J-John! Oh!"

I look at John and his face is bright red. He stands up straight and beelines towards the bedroom. I follow and sit next to him on his bed.

"Welp, looks like you got an admirer, Johnny." I whisper, causing his face to darken.

"I don't like him. That's nasty! He was saying both of our names! I'm not into that fantasy, thank you very much!" He mutters, shoving his cherry-colored face into his hands.

"I dunno, might work." I tease, causing him to groan.

After a few seconds, he pulls his head out from his hands, his knuckles white.

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