Chapter 21

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"Roman. I'm sorry but I can't right now. I know you love attention, but I really need to focus on how to get your cousin back."

Huffed and began to play with his cousin's hair Azee took a breath, before adding, "Arika gave me directions on where to find them both."

"How do we know it's not a trap?" Vlad looked at Azee. "How would you like it if I played with your hair? I think I might add ribbons when you get more." Mercy gave a big evil grin and then kissed the little one in her arms.

Giggles and laughs, putting some of Mercy's hair into his mouth

"He didn't sound of trickery and Alara is very good in telling a being's character. He didn't sound deceiving." Azee answered Vlad's question.

"Well when we are all her later, including Remmy, I think that we should see if they are still there later. I will take no chances for error. I don't want this to end badly for anyone."

"Well do you want the directions or not first?" Azee asked, noting that Vlad was quite paying much attention that she said she knew where they were.

"What? Yeah sorry. So many people are in my office. It's not usually this crowed. Anyway, yes. Can you lead the way? Mercy will be fine watching Roman if that is an issue?"

"If Mercedes wishes to be a mother then she'll get some practice with Roman. If he gets hungry get some fresh milk from the kitchen, add a little bit of vanilla, and he'll be good." Azee gave Mercy directions, then turned to Vlad while looking at Thierry. "Well only if Thierry will let me go." she said with a small smirk.

Thierry looked at Azee, "I know you won't take no for an answer...But if anything goes wrong you go home." He said sternly.

Azee rolled her eyes, "Yes dad." She teased.

Thierry glared at Azee for a second, "Well...what are we waiting for, let's go." He said to everyone in the room.

Azee gave her mate a love nip on the chin, "I'm just teasing. " she purred.

Thierry grumbled, his eyes shifting yellow. Thierry spoke into Azee's mind, "Stop teasing."

Azee grinned like a cat's, "Sorry, love, but teasing you much too fun." she responded into his mind.

Thierry glared at Azee again "It's not the time for teasing right now." He said back to her.

Azee huffed, "No fun, let's go then." She walks away and begins to head for the door.

Thierry shook his head and followed after Azee, "Come on Erik, let's go get Bella."

Azee led the way, entrusting her niece to take care of her little cousin.

"Be safe guys!" Mercy said as they walked out of the office. "We're coming to get you Bella." Erik whispered to himself.

Squealed to get cousin's attention Azee sighed, wishing she could shift into her wolf. Alara spoke, I understand your anticipation, but I also sense the fear of the pain that comes with the transformation. We are strong together. Azee agreed in thought.

"Well. I think you will be a handsome wolf. You might even get a chew toy from me, you cute silly child." Mercy thought about how much work it would be to keep him in line but knew that he would also make a good Alpha when the time came. "You stick with me, and you can't go wrong."

Gave a look of confusion

"You're too young now little one, but soon you will be free like my sister." Mercy looked out the window of her father's office. "I hope they get her soon. Bella is in so much Shi...she's in trouble when she gets home." She had to correct herself with the baby here. Being raised around men mainly didn't help her mouth.

Nibbling on a piece of Mercy's hair.

"Why do you like doing that munchkin?" Mercy pulled her hair out again.

Begins to fuss

"Want some milk?" Mercy was shocked that he would complain about not having her hair.

Calms a little at the mention of milk

Mercy walked to the kitchen. She was glad that no one was there with her, but she also didn't know how to make the mixture for Roman.

"I think this bottle is yours? At least I hope it is?" The whole group was anxious to find Bella, but Erik was on pins and needles. "How much farther is it to the cave?" Erik said, looking everywhere near him.

"I can sense her nearby... but I can't pin point it." Thierry said. As Bella's body got worse as the time went on, she screamed, loudly. Startling the birds in the trees.

Roman reached for the bottle, knowing it was his.

Azee quickened her pace, "Yes and Alara said hurry as she senses something is wrong."

Erik ran as fast as he could but stopped suddenly. "Which way. He said sheepishly.

"Well okay then. Here's your bottle." She said handing it to his mouth.

Azee shook her head at Erik, before leading them all. "We're going north, so we have another few miles to go to reach the cave." she said to everyone. Takes bottle and begins to eat.

Mercy just held the bottle so Roman could get something to eat but she started to get hungry herself. Vlad put his hand on Erik's shoulders. "She's be fine and if she's not, wait a few days before you give her hell." Erik nodded but knew he couldn't help himself.

Starts to get sleepy, slowing down on sucking the bottle.

Azee spots a cave after a few more miles of trailing, she points it out, "That should be it."

"I smell blood. A lot of it." Vlad pointed out as his nose was stronger than Erik's. "Can you tell who's?" Was all Erik could squeak out. "Nap time then sweetie." Mercy walked Roman to his crib for hopefully a few hours.

Alara, "Boar".

Azee spoke, "Alara says it's a boar."

Sneezes, before snuggling into Mercy's arms.

Mercy wondered if she should put him in her Uncles and Aunts room to sleep but she felt weird walking in there without them there.

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