Chapter 17

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Azee awoke, slightly feverish, but after a while it cleared out. She looked over to find Thierry with her. She smiled softly and ran through his hair gently.

Thierry had fallen sleep through the night, he could feel Azee's hand in his hair, but he didn't move. "How are you feeling?" His voice was hoarse.

Azee answered softly, "Woke with a slight fever, but it wasn't long before it cleared up. I feel much better and the baby has settled."

"I see you made it out of the meeting alive! Did you guys do any lasting damage to each other?" Mercy mind-linked Remmy, hoping for some good news.

"That's good." Thierry said looking up at Azee, a smile on his face. "I'm happy you're feeling better."
"I'm actually not hurt, and neither is your father." Remmy said.

"What did you guys talk about?" She didn't realize she was walking towards her Uncle and Aunt.

Azee smiled, "I wouldn't be if it wasn't for your quick thinking. " she murmured. Then she motioned him to her as she wanted to kiss him.

Thierry smiled and moves closer to Azee, giving her a kiss, he grabbed her hand and wrapped his fingers around her hand.

"Just...stuff. There is something I need to talk with you about though." Remmy said to Mercy.

Azee softy moaned into the kiss, giving Thierry's bottom lip a teasing nibble, before releasing him. She gave his hand a quick squeeze.

Mercy stopped and looked up at Remmy. "What do you need to discuss?"

Thierry grinned, "you know...I remember the first day I kissed you." He said with a soft laugh. "Remmy looked down at Mercy, he was so much taller than her. "We can't have kids's not possible." He said softly.

Mercy was just looking up at Remmy. "I'll find away. I always do." She walked off with a pissed look on her face.

Remmy followed after her and grabbed her shoulder, "There is no way. Nothing works, either the baby dies, the mother dies or they both die.... there's no possible way." He said.

Mercy just started cry when he said it again. "No. No! It can't be true! I don't believe that."

Azee chuckled, "Oh yes, a kiss that would have guaranteed that your manhood would come off. Though lucky for you I gave you a rough elbow to your side."

Remmy pulled Mercy close to him, wrapping his arms around her. "I'm sorry love...I'm so sorry." He said. "That hurt you know.' He said smiling at her.

"You know I will look on my own. I have to know for sure." Tears running down her face. "Uncle! Is it true. I can't have children?!"

Azee was about to respond when Mercy frantically asked him about not being able to have children. She remembered Remmy explaining about how hybrids were sterile and could never bare children. She was heartbroken for her niece, but there is one way. "Mercy darling, you may not be able to have children of your own flesh and blood, but you could always visit the orphanage. There're always children in need of a home, of course think about it when your much older. " she spoke.

She looked down. "Well. I guess that ends that." She walked towards Azee. Hoping for a hug and to feel her cousin move.

As Mercy approached, Azee felt something arise in her chest. She omitted a low warning growl. She gasped, eyes wide. "Oh honey, I'm very sorry I don't know where that came from. " she said, looking sorry.

Mercy froze where she was. "What was that?!" She didn't know if she should advance or not.

Azee was unsure and looked over to her mate for answers.

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