Chapter 15

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"Uncle Thierry, I'm afraid for my first change." Mercy was looking up at the sky. She didn't want all of her bones breaking so she could shift. She was happy being a Vampire/Witch. She was scared she wasn't going to make it through the night. "I know Remmy walked me through the process, but it still doesn't sound fun. Tears were starting to form.

Thierry looked up when he heard his name, "you are going to be okay Mercy, it is painful, but you will live. Hell, your father is Vlad. I'm sure you will live through this." Thierry said hugging Mercy, he wiped her tears away.

"Remmy, he said that he was going to be coming by to check on me. Has he come? He's the only other one like we I know of. He promised to walk me through the change. Saying it was different for those like us." She knew that she was loved and that her father had tried to come home for tonight, but Bella and Erik were in trouble with some vampires and dad went to solve the issue. She really wanted her father to hug her, never letting go.

"Aunt Azee. Does it look painful when uncle T shifts?" Mercy stated panicking more then she promised herself she would.

Azee smiled down at Mercy, "It does look painful sometimes, but your uncle is a strong man. Your also strong, don't let fear take its hold. " she spoke, rubbing her belly which was swollen with child.

"Remmy will be here shortly." Thierry said. He looked over to Azee and smiled at her, she was with child...his child. Remmy was running late, he knew he had to be there in time before Mercy shifted.

Mercy started to smile. She couldn't wait to meet her little cousin, but she also knew that one day she would have to do this for her cousin as well. She decided to be strong and she sucked in a big breath getting ready for the first signs of change. "Neither of you have heard from Erik or Dad or Bella, right?"

Thierry looked down, "I haven't heard anything dear, but I promise you they will be here." Thierry said looking at Mercy with a soft smile.

Azee was still getting used to having Thierry look at her that way. Of course, he loved her, but his looks were stronger and more emotional. Maybe the fact that this would be his first child with his mate.

"Erik! Come. On. We can't be late. Bella, you know how important today is, right!" "Vlad calm down. We'll be fine. She will be safe with her Uncle and Aunt. No one would dare interrupt her change." Both mates looked at each other. Erik looked away first. "I know her first change is Important. I wouldn't take that away from you. Come on Bella. We should go." Just when Mercy gave up on her family being there, a knock came at the main door.

Remmy knocked on the door, he was out of breath but made it on time.

"Remmy!!! You made it!" She practically jumped on him. She always thought of him as a brother and took his promises very seriously. "Did you see Dad and Erik out there?"

Vlad and Erik were speed walking back very fast. A few times they ran so they would feel better about making it back in time. "There's the castle. The sun is just starting to set. We have time!" Mercy looked at the setting sun. Trying to fight back tears that her father's weren't going to make it on time. However, when she started pacing around just waiting for it to take a hold of her, they stormed into the room. "Promised I would be here M." Erik stated with a grin on his face. Vlad shook his head but got distracted when his daughter started crying. "I thought you weren't going to make it dad." She threw herself onto Vlad, embracing in a deep hug. All Vlad could say while being squeezed was, "Never" and kissed her on the head.

"Sorry to interrupt your reunion...but we have to get ready." Thierry spoke up.

Mercy didn't want to let her father go. She also didn't want to hurt him. She reluctantly let him go, stepping closer to Thierry. Suddenly a pain washed over her.

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