Part 47

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Hudson's POV

Is it possible to grow hatred for someone that gave you a child?

I went to the ranch the next day, and Victor told me Joey and the kids left town for a vacation.  I was sick about it, she just disappeared again.

I sent her a text and told her I was going to D.C. to settle some affairs.  Then I contacted my attorney to have custody of Jake revised, then hopped on a plane with my ex-wife and son.  I made it clear to them that I'm not moving back home, but Hannah still has a look of triumph on her face.  It'll be short-lived, and that's not a joke.

Hannah had a fit when I didn't jump in a taxi with them at the airport, which upset Jake.  She's just causing a mess. 

"Jake, I don't live at the house anymore.  You know this, and please don't let what happens upset you.  This is just how our life is now, and I won't always be with you." I said.

"You're upsetting him, Hudson."

"Alright, I'll ride as far as the house, and the two of us are getting a few things straight when Jake isn't being subjected to it." I said

I got in, and Jake smiled.  "It's just to make sure you and Mom get home, then I'm going to the apartment, Jake."

When we got to the house, I told the taxi driver to wait.

"Jake, go on up to your room so your mother and I can talk."

Hannah acted like she's getting her way, but she's going to hear some pretty cruel things I didn't want to say.

"When we met I was a disaster. I was in love with Joey, but she was taken from me.  She found out she was pregnant and left." I told her everything that happened to Joey.

"I was, and always have been, in love with Joey."  I finished.

"So I was just a band-aid?" She screamed.

"I'm sorry, it was wrong of me, but I wouldn't have just left.  You did it for me when you cheated. I have zero desire to come home, not even if Joey had not returned.  I do not love you, and I have never loved you the way you deserved.  I'm not coming home, and as a matter of fact, I've put in for a transfer.  I did that days ago, and called my attorney this morning. He's sending over a modified custody agreement."

"You're leaving him?"  She asked.

"I want him on summer breaks and holidays.  That's the best I can do right now.  It's going to kill me, but I plan to visit as much as possible."

"He's not leaving me for an entire summer!  I'll have him for the holidays too!  Never mind, just go, Hudson, he doesn't need you." She snarled.

"That's not a choice you get to make, Hannah.  Remember, you are the one that filed for divorce, and I suspect Greg got tired of you and gave you a taste of your own medicine.  You didn't want to be alone, so you're wanting me back until you meet someone else.  That's not healthy for Jake."

She didn't say a word.  "I'd like to take him back to Texas for a few weeks.  If I need to wait a while, that's fine, but he doesn't start school until August."

"Why?  So you can play like he's a part of your fake family?" I stepped closer to her. 

"The only fake family I've had is you.  That was my fault, and I'm sorry, but my home is in Texas.  It's time for Joey and I now, and I will not allow you to destroy it.  If I have to move to the other side of the world, I will, but don't think I won't take Jake with me."

"You need to get out of my house right now!" She yelled.

"Does that mean you'll finally let me go?"  I asked.

"I don't care if I ever see you again!"

"I'll be back for Jake in one week.  If you don't sign the revised custody plan, I'll fight you tooth and nail until you have nothing." I threatened.

Joey's POV

It's been two weeks since Hudson left. We spent a few days in Hawaii, and it gave me some time to think about everything, and I have a much clearer mind now. 

I got an attorney, and he is working on settling Jackson's estate. It turns out he had a wife prior, but it wasn't recognized in the states, which is where he had his affairs.  Rob has gone AWOL, and his family is back home, so I've had some time to breathe.  I've babysat Abigail, and Madelyn is here almost constantly to see the kids.  Chloe and Serenity have grown closer, but today a little birdie, in the form if a screeching Chloe, informed me that Hudson returned home tonight.

Mason met a girl named Sabrina, so the kids have a double date with Riley included.  So, it's time to put a plan into motion.

Haunting Me (A Completed Steamy, Romance)EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now