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After everything that I knew, I still did not stop investigating her. My cousins always stop me doing things because she is fvcking married already for fvcksake.

I even went in Toronto only to see her in front of her house hugging Andrada.

Matapos ng nasaksihan ay mabilis dijn akonbg umalis. I can't fvcking stand seeing her with another man's arms.

I drown myself with different liquors when I get back in the Philippines. Fvck it!

Everybody is busy partying, moving their bodies and some even do dirty things while I'm drowning myself.

"That's why I don't want to be fvcking in love. Seriously dude you look like a fcking trash!" I heard Damian said. I just ignored him and continue drinking.

"She's married, dude." Ziegler's serious tone.

"I know."

"So, fvcking get yourself together. As if being a drunkard will change the fact that she is already married." Dugtong pa nito. Umigting ang tainga ko dahil sa narinig. Fvcking married!

"Actually dude, Lewis can actually change the fact that his woman is already married." Damian's playful voice.

"Quit it, Damian."

"What? I'm just saying the truth. There is a divorce in Canada, and I know that you know it. I'm sure too that time will come and she will get back her, her husband's business are here. So they will probably go back here in no time. When that time come seduce her and make her yours. Get her pregnant too to be sure." I look at Damian. He's playing the glass lid on his lips with a grin on his face.

"She's not yet a mother yet and I got a feeling that, her bastard husband is fvcking barren." Humagalpak pa ito ng tawa.

Fvck! Why does I did not impregnated her when we are still together para wala na syang kawala? Damn!

Fvck that marriage! The moment, you will step your feet in here. I'll make sure to get you back, love.

It's been years. And I heard about her getting back here in the Philippines. And I did what I planned for the past years just to get her.

I learned that she is not married, I felt really happy and betrayed. No, I will not let you slip with me again, love. Not with our son. Damn it!


She's going in Pangusilan Island.


That's all that he said. I dialed Ziegler's number.

"Ready my helicopter, I'll go in Pangusilan."

"There is no available pilot right now."

"I don't fvcking care. I will be the one to fvcking fly it." I said and eneded the call.

I drive all the way to Ziegler's airport. Wala akong sianayng na oras at mabulis na nagtungo sa helicopter ko.

"She get away from you again?" he said and tossed everything that I need to me.

"Shut up, dick head! Thanks by the way!" I said and get inside the helicopter.

I start maneuvering the helicopter. Damn it, love. You're not going anywhere without me.

The moment that I get to Pangusilan, by instinct I go directly to the part of the island that I had my unforgettable moment with her.

Tama nga ng hinala ko. I saw a lady near the house that I owned. She have luggage around her. I asled if she knew someone name, Leviathan and se answered yes.

Taming The Beast (Ruthless Series #1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon