May Third

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Ella grabbed Deans sleeve from inside the car, stopping him from following Sam into the gas station. She had one shot gun against Dean despite his best effort.

"Are you just gonna gloat again?" Dean growled.

"Sammys birthday is in two days." Ella grins, "I always have the, um, special meal on your birthdays."

"Do you mean-" Deans eyes light up with joy, remembering the restaurant. One of is favorite memories.

"Yes. The one is Washington when your dad went missing on Sammy's birthday and you had to take us out? We each got him a present?" Ella raises her eyebrows, basically telling him they need to go to Oregon.

"We have two days to get to a state that's, like, five states away?" Dean purses his lips.

"Please?" She sticks out her lower lip, curling her toes in excitement.

"What should we tell Sam?" Dean relents.

"I was bored so I've been making up a fake case on the way here." Ella shrugs.

"You're an idiot." Dean walks into gas station, seeing Sam looking at each pie with utter concentration. His mind wanders off as he looks at all the frozen sandwiches the gas station was selling. Ella had went to Oregon every year, May fifth, probably hoping that she would find Sam and Dean. She had bought Sam a present which wasted away in the back of her truck. Ella had probably sent them a Happy Birthday text every time it was a Winchester birthday. She wasted eight years of her life looking for them, and they forgot about her.

"Dean, pick a damn sandwich." Sam pulls his brother away from his thoughts. Dean grabs three random sandwiches and grows ten on the counter, happy to find that Sam got apple pie.

"So, we found a case in Oregon." Dean smirked, "Ella thinks we should get there in two days. Maybe we'll get dinner, watch a movie. Hang out in a hotel room."

"What's so special in two days?" Sam raises his eyebrows, completely oblivious to his actually birthday.

"Sammy, we... ah, never mind." Dean thought it would be better if he just kept his big mouth shut. Let it be a surprise. Ella reached her hand out the window if the impala, suddenly in the drivers seat. Sam laughed, looking at Dean and waiting to see his older brothers reaction. Dean stared at Sam for a long moments before going, "Shot. Gun." And running to sit next to Ella in the car. Sam groans.

"Come on, man!" Sam pouts, "Not fair. I haven't say in shot gun since Ella popped up."

"Oregon. Hm. Here I Ore-come." Ella's face falters as she says that, "That's, oh no. Oh god no."

"Ore-go before you give him anymore power." Sam mutters, "step on it." Meanwhile, Dean was clutching her gut, laughing like there was no tomorrow. Ella blushed as kept her eyes trained on the road. No use dwelling over her horrible mistake.

~Linn, Oregon, a day and a half later~

"Holy hell, Murphey. If I don't die by a monster, it's going to be because of your driving." Dean jumps out of the car, "You're terrifying."

"Hey, I least we still have half a day to shop for sleeping beauty here." Ella grins, running on one hour of sleep and maybe twenty cups of coffee. Dean knocks on the back window, waking up Sam.

"Hey, Snow White. No one's kissing you to wake you up so get your ass outta there." Dean squints his eyes, immediately regretting his choice of words, "The car. Get you ass your of the car.."

"Are we even?" Ella asks, pulling herself out of the car and smirking at Dean.

"As long as you don't-"

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