May Tenth

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Ella woke up to a loud rumble of thunder, heart beating too fast to be normal. She grabbed for whatever was next to her. Dean retracted his hand from her death grip, inhaling sharply.

"You were having a bad dream." He tells her, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." Ella winced, remembering Isabelle's screams from last night. Her dream had been about Ella having to kill each and everyone of her friends while Metatron laughed maniacally. She was surprised to remember Cas was there. "Yeah, I'm fine." Ella shrugged, "Jesus Christ, it's pouring."

"Yeah. We can't leave today. You can hardly see." Dean hands Ella a complementary motel banana. She politely declines before sighing impatiently.

"Can we go outside?" She groans, not being able to handle being trapped.

"You'll get soaked after twenty seconds."

"Get everyone to come-" the lights flickered and turned off, along with the TV and heater. A crash of thunder could be heard seconds later. "We should get everyone in one room."

"Let's go over there." Dean suggests, searching for a flash light. As soon as he found it, someone knocked on their door. Sam, Cas, and Izzy were found in the other side. Izzy was all healed up, much to Ella's liking.

"Come in." Ella calls, "Did your rooms power go out, too?"

"We're connected to the same goddamned power, Elle." Sam scoffs, throwing a flash light at her. It was one of those flash lights that lit up a large amount of area, so everyone moved over to her bed. Ella moves over so everyone could get on.

"What the actual hell do we do now?" Dean asks.

"It's not like we're trapped." Ella points out, "There's a gas station right across the street, so we can just go buy stuff from there."

"Yeah, but it's pitch black out." Sam says, "And I don't like going outside when it's pitch black."

"Then we'll go together." Ella snaps, "Stay as a group."

"That's a good idea." Isabelle comments.

"Why thank you, Iz." Ella smiles, "We should also put some stuff up. Monsters thrive in the dark."

"Today is a hunters worst night mare." Sam smirks, "Okay, so Ella and I will go get food. Dean, you and Cas should put up protection. Isabelle, get some more rest. You didn't sleep a lot last night."

"I'm an Angel." Isabelle says indignantly, "I will help put up protection."

"Fine." Sam shrugs, "Let's go Elle."

"No making out!" Dean calls after them, rummaging through his duffel bag."

"Same goes for you and Cas." Ella shouts, closing the motel door. Sam turns on a smaller flash light and opens his jacket so Ella could fit under his arm whilst staying warm.

"How are you doing?" Sam whispers.

"Fantastic." Ella smirks, "You?" The two cross the street, taking their time, since everyone was cowering in their homes.

"I'm okay..." Sam sighed, "Are you sure you're okay? Last night..."

"Last night someone I care about was being tortured." Ella snapped, opening the door to find an empty store, minus a lone cashier. "What the hell do we need, anyways?" She sighs.

"What are you two doing outside?" The cashier, an older woman with a kind face, gasps.

"We're right across the street, staying in the motel." Ella shrugs.

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