May Twelfth

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The five had made it back to the bunker, reestablished rules and rooms, and drank beer.

"You know." Ella slurred the night they got back, "I know I'm a little drunk-" the room err updated in giggles- lone the sober Isabelle- "Shh, shh, I just wanted to tell you guys that I'm an asshole, incase you didn't-" hiccup- "notice. And if I ever snap at you, is because I'm in a bad mood." Isabelle had sighed and taken the three to pass out in their beds.

Now, Ella was hiding in her room, arguing with herself if she could call Dean to her. He was the only one who knew and would be the best person to talk to about her dilemma, but on the other hand, she didn't want to burden him.

It's like Dean was reading her thoughts because he walked in a moment after she decided to just have her small panic attack alone. Dean looked to her, cowering in the corner with her reading glasses on. He locked the door behind him and walked over to crouch beside her before taking her shaking hands and holding them still.

"What's going on?" He asks.

"I fell asleep reading." Ella whispers, her breaths growing faster, "I was being poked and prodded by doctors. Dean, what if it wasn't a dream? What if-" Dean took out a pushpin from his pocket and stabbed Ella in the fleshy part of her arm. "Hey!" She protests, "What the hell?"

"That pain is real." Dean smiled, a wave if nostalgia and simpler times of when Sammy was hallucinating that Satan was always with him. "The pain is as real as me."

"I've tried that." Ella shakes her head, "But... it could just be needles to sedate me in my white room."

"Ella, you've got to look at what's really going on. Someone made you feel crazy." Dean whispers, "But you're just as sane as I am." Ella giggles.

"That's not reassuring." A ghost of a smile plays on her lips, "You're not the sturdiest person I've met, Winchester."

"Shut up." Dean sits down next to her, "Hey, kiddo, you're gonna get over this."

"Ah, quite right, too." Ella closes her eyes, resting her head against the wall, "I can't wait."

"Are you ready to leave your room yet?" Dean asks.

"Not really." Ella stands, "But let's not worry anyone."

"I'll just tell then you were..." Dean searches for the best excuse, "Not feeling well."

"You're so lame." Ella rolls her eyes, strolling out of the room. Sam engulfs her in a hug as soon as she stepped into the dining room, bending her low to the floor and placing a kiss on her lips.

"Morning." He smiles.

"Someone is just a little ray of sunshine today." Ella looks over her shoulder and raises an eyebrow at Dean, who just shrugs.

"I don't know." Sam sighs, grinning.

"Sammy, do you have happy pills?" Ella teases, "Samuel Winchester, drugs are bad for you."

"What I'm- no- I'm not- I'm not doing drugs, Elle." Sam blushes, "Shut up."

"Come on, you know you love me, Repunzel." She brushes her blonde hair from her face and pulls it into a ponytail.

"Do you want breakfast?" Sam asks, "Cas and I made waffles."

"Maybe you two should get married." Ella smirks, plopping herself down in a chair.

"That's Deans job." Sam winks, setting down a plate of fluffy, chocolate chip waffles in front of her.

"What the hell?" Ella gasped after taking a bite, "These are the best effing waffles I've ever had!"

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