Still May Tenth

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Everyone was trying to stay warm inside the room. They had to resort to pressing up next to each other. Somehow, Dean had ended up next to Cas.

"I'm so bored." Ella mumbled, pressing herself into Sam, aka; The Human Heater.

"What do you wanna do?" Dean snaps over a loud clap of thunder, "Play I spy? Oh, I spy something black. Yeah, it's everything!" Everyone winces as the lightning lights up the room.

"Jesus Christ, Dean. I said I was bored, not that I wanted to play a game." Ella sighs, "We could really do anything, anyways."

"What did we do when we were little?" Sam asked.

"Well, one time, we were with Bobby, we had to light matches and count for how long it takes for it to be blown out." Dean sighs.

"I was watching you." Cas blurts, "That day, I saw you."

"Stalk much?" Ella laughs.

"No, I am not a plant." Cas furrows his eyebrows. Isabelle, who was on the other side of Ella chuckles.

"Brother, it's another word for someone who watches someone, obsesses over them, for a long period of time." Izzy sighs, "You need to brush up on human vocabulary."

"Enochian is easier to understand." Cas grumbles.

"Shut it, trench coat." Ella laughs.

"What are we going to do?" Dean blurts, "I don't want to stay here."

"We can't leave. Izzy isn't up to full strength, it's too rainy to drive, too dark to see, and honestly, I'm pretty sure it's flooding." Ella looks over to Dean.

"I am strong enough." Isabelle mutters.

"Enough isn't good enough. You're still vulnerable." Ella snaps, "You could accidentally screw up and we could all pop up in the middle of a bar fight is Ireland." They're so caught up in their conversation, the loud knock at their door startles them.

"Who the hell...?" Ella squeezes herself out from between Sam and Izzy, taking long strides towards the door, not making a sound. She grabs a gun off the table near the door and presses it to the wood, opening the door with the chain lock still on, so no one can get the jump on her. "Yes?" She asks loudly, over a loud crash of thunder.

"Yes, hello, I was getting something from the vending machine and someone is sitting on the car right outside your room..." A young man looks behind him, "Umm, he's, like, British I think. He's kind of short, ya know. Says he knows you."

"Alright. Thanks. We'll chase him away." Ella nods, "Have a nice afternoon."

"Who was that?" Sam asks after she closes the door.

"A dude." Ella shrugs, "Says someone is on the car. British, short?"

"Crowley?" Sam and Dean ask in unison, "But he... he's locked up in our dungeon."

"You know the jackass?" Ella scoffs, "He was in your dungeon? Wow."

"You have a dungeon?" Isabelle asks, but she's ignored.

"You know, I think I'll chase him off." Ella leaves before anyone can protests.

"Crowley, what the hell do you think you're doing?" She snaps, "I told you, I'm done fighting you. You're old news."

"Ahh, the lovely Ella Murphy." Crowley chuckles, "I had you for a pretty long time. What are you doing with my boys?"

"Your boys?" Ella laughs bitterly, "Uh, no. They're my boys."

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