May 12th part 2

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"What did you do to her?" Sam seethes, clutching Ella in his arms on the ground, "Wake her up!"

"Sorry, sweetheart." Abbadon gives him a sarcastic sympathetic smile, "But she's..." She glances at Dean, "awake."

"You bitch." Dean growls.

"What?" Sam looks up at his big brother, "What does she mean? Dean? Dean what's going on?"

"Aw, look, Dean-o, baby brother needs answers from his role model." Abbadons chuckles, "So cute."

"Shut up!" Dean shouts, "Sammy, stand up."

"But Ella-"

"Carry her, moron." Dean steps in front of his brother. Sam scoops Ella up in his arms and carries her limp body, bridal style.

"Are you going to run?" Abbadon snaps her fingers and everyone in the house moves in front of a door or window. "Sorry, sweet-cheeks. Plan B is gone. Maybe try plan C? I mean, I've been stabbed already so maybes, hmm, maybe just sit down and shut up." Abbadon snaps her fingers again and two chairs slide down. She slides her finger down in the air and the brothers sit down, ropes wrapping themselves around the Winchesters ankles. Ella falls out of Sam's arms as the ropes tug back his wrists.

"You're really my least Favorite person." Dean scowls, "I mean, I really hate you. Usually, big bad's like you have to help us to defeat competition but no. Not you. You're the biggest competition there is, honey. It's going to make us the most feared hunters when I use your head as a Christmas tree topper." Dean seethes. Abbadon is about to hiss bck an insult when the door explodes open and every demon near it flies against the wall.

"You know, you could've just called like a normal person." Crowley scowls, "You don't have to bother my friends." He snaps his fingers and Ella's eyes flick open, full of fear and insanity. She looks around, looks down at her clothes, and looks towards Sam and Dean.

"Fantastic." She snarls, "I swear to god that bitch Abbadon-"

"What about me?" Abbadon huffs from behind Ella.

"I'm going to rip your entertains out and hang them like Christmas lights, that's what." Ella whips around, standing and walking forwards, finger pointed. Abbadon stumbles back.

"Why are you people obsessed with using your war spoils as Christmas decorations?" Abbadon laughs nervously.

"You should fear me." Ella grabs the demons shirt collar and flings her to the ground, "You of all people shouldn't stand there cocky after what you just did." Ella places her foot on the knights throat, "You should be begging for your life." Ella holds out her hand and and axe (thanks to Crowley) materializes there as she sizes up her swing.

"Please." Abbadons voice breaks, "You can help me rule hell. You could be my... you could be my apprentice. Just slap on some black eyes and you'll be-" she's cut off as the axe chops off her head.

"Tempting offer." Ella wipes blood off her forehead, "But no." The room is dead silent until Ella pulls out her phone and sets an exorcism on a loop. Crowley scowls, slapping his hands over his ears, and stalking out of the house.

"Are you two okay?" Ella's voice grows gentle as she rushes over, untying Sam and then Dean.

"She didn't even touch us." Sam smiles reassuringly.

"Are you okay?" Dean asks softly, "I can't imagine..."

"I'm fine." Ella lies, jaw clenched, "We should box up her head." Ella looks back to see the blood and the head creeping towards the body.

"Right." Sam gives Dean a 'we'll talk later' look before going to search for a box.

"I told you we should've picked murderous teens." Ella laughs.

"You were right." Dean holds his hands up in the air, chuckling, "Did she...?"

"Yeah." Ella nods, "Yeah she did." She turns the exorcism off, noticing they were only surrounded by dazed humans.

"Ah, hello boys and Ella." Crowley re-enters the room.

"Sorry I wasn't awake for your big entrance." Ella shrugs, "I was having a bit of a dilemma myself."

"I don't like it when people touch my things." Crowley shudders.

"Listen up, douche nozzle, we're not your things." Ella seethes, "And if you so much suggest my boyfriend and his brother or me are you're little playthings or or toys you will end up just like Abbadon. And I won't need to get the axe from you."

"I surrender." Crowley shrugs.

"You should." Ella turns around, almost running into Sam. "Get, babe." Her voice is light again, void of anger or fear.

"I buried Abbadons head and her body is, well, I put it in the oven." Sam blushes, "I turned it on 350 so we better split."

"Remember, Ella, I was the one that swooped in a saved your sorry asses." Crowley scowls, "So, please, don't cut off my head."

"Then run away, your majesty." Ella sneers, "Go on, disappear into thin air. Go."

"I'll see you again soon." Crowley says before disappearing into thin air.

"Glad that crap is over with." Ella yawns, leaning into Sam and resting her head on his chest, "I just wish this case wasn't a fail." Ella frowns as Sam wraps his arms around her protectively.

"We need to leave. Check if they have any security tapes and destroy them." Dean orders, and the three reluctantly break apart, searching for cameras. They all come back with nothing.

"Check." Sam nods, let's just go. In exhausted." Ella agrees by rubbing her forehead and groaning. "Also, we need to talk about what you two aren't telling me about." Sam adds.

"What are we not telling you?" Ella raises her eyebrows, playing dumb.

"Oh, you know." Sam shakes his head throwing his arm around Ella and gesturing to Dean to follow them out to the car.

"Shot gun!" Ella calls.

"Yeah, yeah, but really. Spill." Sam's casual voice turns cold and hard, making Ella shudder as she pushes away from him.

"It's just some...stupid fears and thoughts that were planted in my brain by doctors." Ella shrugs him off, turning a cold shoulder to him as she goes on a rant about how she really needs some French fries.

"Elle, please." Sam sighs, "Just... talk to me."

"It's so stupid." Ella shakes her head, "It's just... I don't even know if you're real. Some stupid doctors told me that you were a figment of my imagination so I could cope with my mothers Death and my dads abuse. As I grew older, dad would drop me off at my uncles house and I would need you or he would leave me alone with someone and you'd need to be there. Then as I grew older, I didn't need you as often but I had no idea you didn't exist." Ella waves her head aroud, "The real gritty part is that the doctors found actual proof in my brain about the stuff going in my brain. Depression, anxiety, etcetera."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Sam frowns.

"Because I didn't want you to think I was crazy." Ella scoffs, "Why else?"

"I..." Sam trails off, "I don't think you're crazy."

"Oh, really?" Ella turns to Dean, "Am I crazy?"

"Yeah." Dean confirms, "You're a psycho."

"Dean!" Sam scolds.

"He's right. I just didn't want my lovely, hot, kind, wonderful boyfriend to know." Ella kisses Sam on the cheek, standing on her tiptoes.

"How are you so calm about this?" Sam makes a frustrated growl, "I was freaking out when I thought Satan was following me around."

"Ah, yeah." Ella smirks, "I guess I have better endurance."

"Yeah right." Dean shoves her into Sam, "You're just better at faking it."

"Let's just go home." Ella's smile falters as she crawls into the back seat of the car, "I'm taking a nap."

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