May Ninth

23 2 1

Ella pulls into the gas station, her hands shaking as as turns off the ignition and takes out the key. The clock had read twelve o' three before she turned the car off and gotten out. She walks over to the pay phone and checks around it.

"Dammit." Emma sighs, not finding anything. Something brushes against a bush and she whips around, pulling out her gun and shooting at the noise, but the bullet hits nothing. Something laughs quietly to the left of her, which shows nothing but woods. Ella's heart begins to race as she turns around and points her gun at a black haired Angel with a sneer imprinted on her face. "Cara. From the park." Ella laughed, "I thought it was something important."

"Oh, but it is." She snaps her fingers and two more angels walk up beside her, holding a bloodied Isabelle. The girl with red hair now had red stained skin. Her eye was swollen shut and lip had a large cut in it. Her shirt was ripped and torn. Her jeans had one and a half of a pant leg and he legs were covered in Angel weakening symbols.

"Izzy." Ella gasps, moving forward a few steps. One of the Angels grabs Isabelle by the ponytail and yank her head back, pressing an angel blade to her neck.

"Don't move one step more, Murphy." Cara warns, "I do not wish to harm my sister, but I will do as needed."

"Okay, listen up ass jacket, I'm not going to hurt you're friends and you. I just want Izzy. As soon as I have the pretty little Angel, I will leave. But if this goes downhill, I'll have to kill you. It'll be kinda brutal." Ella shrugs.

"You don't have a weapon." Cara says simply.

"Come at at me, bitch." Ella smirks, anger burning her insides, "Let's show you what I'm capable of." Ella shoots off the angels - the one that was holding Ella's hair- hand, causing the angel blade to be dropped. Izzy kicked it to the hunter, who picked it up and threw it at the same angel. The blade sinks itself into it's head. Cara is surprised, but before she can react, Ella has taken down the other Angel, rendering Cara alone.

"Ella, stop!" Dean shouts as the impala pulls in. The words don't reach her heads as Cara pulls her own blade out of her sleeve and attempts to slice Ella's neck, but the hunter ducks. As she stands, Ella plunges the knife into Caras cut.

"Okay, Iz, let's get you safe." She turns a gentler had towards the young Angel, ignoring the new arrivals. Ella carefully unties Isabella, taking off a gag over her mouth and trying to brush her hair with her fingers.

"She was only twenty five." Isabelle says as soon as the gag is removed, "My vessel looked so young, she looked like a teenager. But she was twenty five and now she's dead.

"Shut up." Ella mutters, taking off her sweat shirt and pulling it over Isabelle.

"Ella Goddamn Murphy you are in so much trouble. Dean shouts, stomping over to the scene.

"Just grab all of their angel blades." Ella orders. Dean does what she says, but angrily.

"What do you need with their blades?" Dean growls.

"Well, obviously their special. The more we get, the more bullets we can make, the easier they're going to be to protect ourselves without risking getting stabbed." Ella helped Izzy stand, "Are you going to be okay?" Ella asked, still trying to untangle Isabelle's hair with her fingers.

"Jesus, Elle, she's hurt not dying." Dean scoffs. Ella leans Izzy against the back of the impala before turning around and sucker punching Dean. "What the hell?" Dean shouted, holding his nose as Cas and Sam jump out of the car to see what was going on. Ella grabbed Dean by his collar and pulled him close to her face.

"She could've died, you ass. And you wouldn't have cared because she wasn't apart of your family and no one outside of your family matters, you hypocrite. You say you have to kill a monster, no matter what. But then Sam goes and actually turns into a monster, drinking his demon blood and crap, and you don't do anything hit try and save him. You say family is important, but don't blink and eye while tearing apart someone else's. So maybe, Dean Winchester, you shouldn't talk. You might just make someone realize what a douche you are." She shoves him away, "Just get in the car and drive." Ella turns back and opens the door for Izzy.

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