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Ella hadn't seen the Winchesters since her father died, but she has been looking for then for nine years. Her car, a rusty black pick up, pulls up next to a seemingly abandoned warehouse. She staggers out, bleeding profusely from her side. She makes her way over to the door, slamming her hand against it. It swings open a minute later to reveal Sam Winchester, drinking a beer. She falls into him.

"Heya Sammy." She mumbles, blacking out.

"Dean!" Sam shouts, "Dean... it's Ella."

"Ella Murphey?" Dean stands up, looking up at Sam.

"Grab the first-aid." Sam shouted, "Now!"

"Lay her down on the table!" Dean ordered, coming out of the bathroom, "Take off her jacket." Sam follows orders.

"We haven't seen her in nine years and she comes out if nowhere?" Sam asks Dean, grabbing the gauze from the first aid kit and lift up Ella's shirt, "A little suspicious, don't you think?"

"She was like a sister to us, Sammy, then we got her father killed." Dean leaned on the table, arms crossed, "It's not like she wanted to see us after that."

"She hated her Pastor Jim." Sam scoffed, "He basically made her into a robot when he was around."

"Let's do the routine, if your suspicious." Dean pulled a silver knife out of his pocket and dragged it across her skin, "She's not a shifter." Sam went to grab some holy water. When he dripped some on her face, nothing happened except for her eyes opening slightly.

"Not a demon, but she's awake." Sam helped her sit up.

"Where the hell have you assholes been?" Were the first words out of her mouth.

"Hello, Ella." Dean smirked.

"It took me nine effing years." Ella say up, clutching her side, "Nine years and a lot of dead bodies."

"Woah, explain." Sam helped her off the table, grabbing her a chair.

"Woah, Sammy, you got hot." She laughed, "So, when that bitch Meg went and killed my father, you two assholes disappeared. Bobby wouldn't talk to me about you. Ellen and Joe wouldn't tell me. The three of then went up and died and I've been alone for about two years."

"Why were you looking or us?" Dean raised his eyebrows.

"Holy crap, Dean. What, did you two sell your souls to the douche Crowley?" Ella raised her eyebrows, "Never mind. I was looking for you because your dad died and I didn't trust you guys on your own without someone two make sure you didn't die for each other. Which, you did anyways. Disappointed about that." Ella had to stop herself from going on a rant, "Anyways, I'm a little upset that you didn't even call after my dad."

"Sorry, I was busy saving my little brother." Dean snapped.

"My dad died and I wasn't stupid enough to sell my soul to bring him back." Ella retaliates, glaring at Dean, "oh, but I forgot that you guys were the only one that mattered."


"You can call me Ella, from now on Dean. I'm not thirteen." Ella growled, "But then the apocalypse went down and I had to fend for myself while Bobby didn't return my calls."

"Sorry." Sam stares at his shoes, feeling guilty that Ella hadn't even crossed his mind in nine years.

"Sorry doesn't cut it, Sam." Ella snaps, "Nine years. I called you, but apparently you can't answer your damn phones. Really, Winchesters? But that's in the past, doesn't matter. What matters now is that I need your help with someone that's been tracking me."

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