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Sam and Dean had gotten used to seeing Ella bloodied up ever since she turned fourteen, but the older she got, the more bloody she started coming home. Most of the time it wasn't monsters. Not this time, no. It was kids. Now that she was sixteen and in highschool with Sam, travelling with the Winchester for the past three months, all she did was get into trouble.

"You broke the guys nose?" Dean laughed, being their temporary guardan now that he was twenty one, "Why?" Max looked over to Sam, who nodded, laying on the motel bed and deep in his book.

"The guy pushed Sam against the lockers and called him some names. I got angry, huked out, kneed him in the soft spot. He slapped me, giving me the fat lip. Then... well... I threw him on the ground and kicked him in the face." She looked down at her bloodied combat boots as Dean laughed.

"Remind me never to get on your bad side, kid." Dean chuckles, grabbing a beer out of the fridge.

"Wait, this is the worst thing I've done all year... I'm not in trouble?" Ella crosses her arms, "My dad... oh god."

"You should lay low, Elle." Sam puts down his book, "Last week you almost broke a kids arm-"

"He was asking for it!" Ella snaps, her fingers curling into a ball.

"You never told me what he did?" Dean raises his eyebrows, sitting down on the bed. Ella bites her lip, anger flowing through her.

"He shoved Sam down the stairs, so I did the chicken arm thing until he apologized." Ella shakes her head, "That... guy." It wasn't the full truth, but it was a reason she did it.

"Are you going to tell my the real reason or just stew?" Dean crosses his arms.

"He was peeking in the girls bathroom..." Sam blurts, "He pushes me down the stairs because I tried to stop him."

"That dick." Dean shakes his head, "What a perv. Anyways, dad doesn't know and it's going to stay that way. Your fat lip, Elle, is going to be a run in with a door."

"Sounds believable." Ella sighs, "Dean, I found something tonight. A ghost. I'm going, you can come if you want." Dean stands up, shaking his head and laughing.

"Yeah, no. My dad might've let you go on hunts while you're here but not on my watch." He throws her a sandwich, "Tonight is just movies."

"The last time you tried to stop me from going on a hunt, you ended up tied to a flag pile in your underwear, Dean." Ella chucks the sandwich to Sam, "Not hungry."

"You have in school suspension tomorrow, Elle, you need sleep. I woke up at three last night, and you were still reading that book." Dean rolls his eyes, "I may be cool, but I still have to take care of you."

"Don't. Just don't. John doesn't care about me. I'm not his child, if something happens, my dad will be the one to shout, and he's not laying a finger in you. So I'm going out tonight to ice this vamp that's terrorizing and ganking children." Ella stands up, throwing on her mothers old college sweater and grabbing her motel key. Sam stands, shoots an apologetic look to Dean, and follows her out. "I'm so sick of being treated like the weakest one here." Ella snaps, leaning against the wall, scaring Sam.

"Who is?" Sam asks, walking die the stairs.

"I'm pretty sure you and I would be in a fight forever if the two of us ever got possessed." Elle jumps on Sam's back when they get to the bottom of the stairs and he just rolls with it, giving her a piggy back ride to the drug store. "And no doubt Dean could open me a can of ass whooping."

"So we're the weakest?" Sam sets her down at the door.

"No, we're just not as skilled at fighting." Ella holds the door open for an elderly couple enforce slipping in next to Sam, "Did you hear who's planning on asking you out?"

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