April Twenty-Eighth (1 am)

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Ella was a little drunk. Sam doesn't get her another beer until afternoon, but she's on her fourth bottle.

"And I was hiding in that damn things closet for hours. It got terrified every time I hit the door. That shifter was so damn scared when I jumped out at it and slit it's sorry throat." She finishes her hundredth story, "But of course, it was when you two had just kill Eve, so I still wasn't the best hunter. Damn, you two one up me every time."

"Ella, get off the table." Sam rolls his eyes, as she had almost knocked over the lamp while walking around

"Screw you, taller Winchester." Ella teases, "I don't what I- crap!" She slips and falls into Sam's lap.

"You're such an idiot." Sam mutters, shoving her off his lap.

"You know you love me." She giggles, "And Dean. Dean-o. Dean the scary hunter. Dean the ex-almost vamp. Dean the perfect vessel. Dean, deaths favorite assbucket. Dean Winchester. You, my great friend, are so worried that I'm going to turn out just like you. But guess what, darling. I'm already just like you." Sam and Dean share a look, knowing that if they talk to her about whatever she's feeling now, they're going to get a good answer.

"Okay, truth time." Dean takes Ella by her arms and gently guides her to a chair, sitting her down and talking slowly, "What's your deal, lately?"

"You two are my deal." Ella laughs, bitterly this time, "The brave Winchesters. Damn, guys. I was all that when I hung out with you jackasses. But when you left me, I was only the pastors daughter. The pastors wayward daughter. I mean, I was raised like he hated me. Which he did, you know. He wanted a son. And a kid that would fall in line at school. But you two... you two were the only people who actually cared about me for a while. And I lived you to pieces. Anyways, I'm nobody. Everyone knows one hunter and no one knows me."

"Yeah, and?" Sam struggled to find why this was a bad thing. She could get out an no one would care.

"Sammy, I am a good hunter. I mean, I'm okay, but I used to be good. But every time I do have a good hunt, or take down a best of vamps alone, you two jerks are doing something better. I was dying at one point, and all anyone cared about was you two and made sure you two, the perfectly okay Winchesters, we're safe. While I was dying in a musty old motel room, sending texts to everyone and anyone I knew so they could come get me to the hospital due to my mass amount of blood loss." Ella rolled her eyes, "Bobby was too worried about Sam being a drug attic, when he couldn't even go for a drive to save my life. Then, there is that tiny fact when and if people do know me, I'm used to cover tracks and take the fall. It gets better, too. Everyone said my father was a great man, the best father. Always looking out for me..."

"Really?" Sam scoffed, knowing that he was none of those things.

"No one asked if I was okay." She throws her head back, "All I got were 'sorry for you loss'. Bet you ten dollars that when I die, I'll suddenly become the most amazing person in the world. It makes me wonder if I should maybe just let the next thing that comes for me finish me off. Back on track about no one even caring about me. Bobby. Dammit, the man that I have takes a knife to shoulder for only answered if I needed a cover. He called me asking for help so many damn times and he couldn't answer the phone when I was trapped in a house, cornered? And you two know already how I am an abounded bunny, but ya know. That still sucks."

"You were screaming about a little girl today..." Dean finally asks, "Care to elaborate?"

"Jenny... she, um, she found me at the library. I had, oh god, I was crying in the corner. She asked me what's the matter. Couldn't have been more than twelve. When I did tell her what's wrong, um, I was really alone and stuff had been happening like I had just found out that an old friend had died." She was lying about the old friend part. Ella had been crying because she has just tried to call Bobby, one last time in hopes he would answer and not be dead. "She showed me some really cool tricks. I bought her ice cream. Her brother had been a kid that died. Then the scribe came alone and killed... he had killed her. In front of me. So I set fire to his precious books."

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