Chapter 15.

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(Sam's P.O.V.)

The boys took me back to the orphanage the next day once I was released from the hospital. They stayed with me the whole day and the night after Okaying it with one of the ladies that worked at the orphanage. While Axel, Chase and Aiden were asleep I was up once again talking with Levi. My head was resting on his shoulder as we talked and laughed about random things. Eventually it seems as though I must have fallen asleep some time during the conversation because when I had woken up I felt something solid around my waist and my back against something else. I tried moving my body to get away from being restricted but with each movement I made I heard a groan from behind me.

I twisted my head to inspect what caused that noise and saw that it was Levi. How did Levi and I end up in this position? The last thing I remember was having my head against his shoulder as we conversed. I grabbed his arm which was around my waist and moved it so that I could get up from the bed. I got up and I had to move around the boys on the floor as I went into the bathroom.

Once I had finished with my business I washed my hands and splashed water over my face to wake me up more from the grogginess I'm feeling because I'm still sick. Just as I am about to open the door I hear my name being called by one of the boys. I hear worry in the voice so I quickly open the door to find out what is going on.

"What is happening?" I ask immediately.

"What do you mean what is happening, where were you? I woke up and you were gone." Levi asks quickly as he comes over to inspect my body in checking to see if anything is wrong with me.

"I was just in the bathroom. Did you think I would just disappear when feeling like shit." I ask in disbelief.

"No I just didn't want what happened to you before to happen again okay. I just want you to be okay and safe alright." With that he hugged me real tightly and put his head into my neck.

"Please next time you go somewhere tell me, I can't lose you now." He whispers into my neck quietly so that none of the boys who I now notice are awake can hear.

"Don't worry, I'll tell you everything okay. Everything." I whisper back and give him a kiss on the cheek.

Later that day the boys went home while sat in my room thinking about what happens next. I mean what will happen now for me. I mean my grades aren't so bad, but they aren't the best I could have done.

I was prepared to die by the hands of my father so I didn't bother putting so much effort into my work because I never would have thought that I would get a second chance at life. But thanks to the boys I have been given this chance and I'm going to take it.

I went and used the old computer the orphanage had and typed up a resume for myself, printed about 20 copies and also made a list of the business in this town. I put everything in a folder including a pen and placed it on the floor beside my bed ready to go.

A week later once I was feeling much better, I got dressed, grabbed my folder, phone and went downstairs telling Mary where I was going and what I was doing and what time I may be back by incase someone was looking for me or wanted to know where I was going.

As I left the orphanage grounds I call Levi telling him what I was going to do.

(Levi in Bold, Sam in Italics)

Levi: "Hey Sam. What can I do for you on this fine morning?"

Sam: "Hey. I'm just calling to let you know that I'm going to be walking around town handing out resumes."

Levi: "Why are you gonna be doing that?"

Sam: "I'm talking a hold of the second chance that I have been given and I'm going to make something out of myself and that means getting a job and starting from the bottom making my way up."

Levi: "Alright, would you like the boys and me to come with you? We could make it fun day out?"

Sam: "Okay why not."

Levi: "Good, cause if not that would make for a very awkward situation."

Sam: "What do you mean awkward situation?"

Levi: "Turn around babygirl."

With that I turned around and there they all stood. Levi still had his phone to his ear but when I smiled at him and hung up the call and pocketed his phone. I ran up to him with a big smile and brought him into a hug. I still had the butterflies in my stomach from when he called me babygirl just before. I gave him another big squeeze before letting him go and giving hugs to the other boys.

"Hey guys. What were you doing here originally before I called?"

As Axel brought his arm around my shoulders he answered my question; "We were gonna spend the day with you at the park or something else but seeing as you made plans already, we are going to do what you want to do."

I smiled and leaned into him, "Thanks guys."

We started our trek into town chatting and laughing with each other with Aiden, Chase and Axel in front of Levi and me. As Levi grabbed the folder out of my hands to read the places we were going to visit, he also took a hold of my hand.

During the day Levi wouldn't let go of my even as I handed out the resumes, his answer to my question about why he still held onto it was that he wanted to me safe and they only way to do that was hold onto me.

Most of the places I went into said that they were hiring but that they would keep my resume for when they were. We had one more place to walk into for me to see if I could get a job but I wasn't getting my hopes up seeing as every other place had basically refused me.

As we walked into this little café in the wall, I felt at home. The atmosphere here gave off this calming feeling the moment you walked in. I actually quite liked it. I walked up to the register and there was this little old lady standing behind the counter.

"Hello dearie, my name is Ruth, how can I help you today?"

"Hi mam, I was wondering if you had any positions available?"

"Do you have your resume with you?"

"Here you go."

Ruth read through my resume as I stood here waiting for her response. I almost forgot that Levi was here until I felt him squeeze my hand that was still in his. I appreciated the gesture immensely.

"When can you start?"

I was baffled. I didn't think I would get anything.

"Whenever is good for you," I told her honesty as I was still a bit speechless.

"Why don't you come in tomorrow let's say around 8. Does that work for you?"

"It does. Thank you so much."

"Not to worry. Is there anything else I can get you?"

Just as I was about to reply no, I was cut off by Levi asking if we could have a table for 5. The rest of the afternoon was spent eating and chatting, Ruth even joined us when there was no one that needed anything and we got to know her as well. Turns out that she owns this café and has for the past 50 years.

Levi decided to walk me back as the boys had something they had to do and he didn't want me to walk alone. When we got to the front door I turned around and gave him a hug with a kiss on the cheek. He returned the action but instead of giving me a kiss on the cheek, he kissed my forehead and spoke into my ear.

"Night babygirl. See you tomorrow."

I blushed so hard I swear I look like a ripe strawberry. "Night Levi, see you tomorrow."


Thank you to those of you who read my story and like, it means a lot. This story has reached over 11000 words which is amazing.

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