Belle: Telling Lies

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(Previously: Belle gets help from Derek to turn back into her human form and after she and Kristin leave the Hale house she is told the truth- that she is a werewolf along with her grams, and mother. Belle is also told that her father and brother Alex are both werewolf hunters and that her mother never told her father what she really is and Belle is very annoyed and angry at her mother.)

By some miracle I have managed to avoid talking to Isaac all day- in class and even during lunch which I spent hidden in a classroom. Zan knows something is wrong and has been playing detective all day. So far her top theory is that something happened between Isaac and me, but I have no idea why she would think that. Isaac and I are just friends.
Come on pack faster. I urge myself as I continue to stuff my bags with the books that I need. Damn school and its homework. The hallway is already three quarters empty and I know Isaac is lurking somewhere and waiting to ask me a billion questions.
I still don’t know what to say. Sorry I punk’d you? What if he doesn’t believe it? I can’t tell him the truth. He might completely freak out and start screaming werewolf. It could end with the town gathering their pitch forks and chasing me out of town. Okay so I’m exaggerating but still the less Isaac knows the better.
“Why are you avoiding me?” I hear Isaacs voice behind me and cringe instantly. Crap I still don’t know what to say!
Think damn it think!
“I thought you would be mad at me for the prank.” I reply as I keep my focus on the locker. I know I will falter if I look him in the eye because he knows my tells’ and knows when I’m lying. Apparently I sweep the hair out of my face, click my fingers or bite my lip. God it sucks when people know you sometimes. It’s times like this where I wish I was a compulsive liar with no tells.
“How did you manage to pull that off?” Isaac asks.
Good question how did I manage the prank? How did I manage to cut myself and heal, how did I get the contacts and fake fangs in all within a few seconds without Isaac noticing? I’m not that quick at anything.
“Easy I didn’t really cut myself and there was already fake blood on the tea towel. I already had the contacts and fake teeth in my hands at the time. It was simple and easy to slip them on. I had been practicing.”
Please believe me? I silently beg.
“You did all that for what a laugh? I really thought that you were scared Belle did you really need the theatrics. I really thought that you thought that you were a vampire or werewolf. I’ve been so worried about you Belle you were full on crying. Never do that again!”
I forgot about the tears and the confession. Isaac probably thinks I’m a huge jerk!
“See I knew you would be angry. That’s why I’ve been avoiding you. I realise now that it wasn’t funny and I’m so sorry Isaac.” I apologise and finally face him. I’m not lying. I really am sorry.
There’s only a few people left behind in the hallway and I’m grateful that their laughter is filling the awkward silence between Isaac and me. He looks like he is deliberating and probably deciding if he believes me, and if he is going to accept my apology or tell me to go to hell. I hope it’s the first, but I understand if he is still angry at me. I would be. If I was Isaac I would want to punch me in the face.
“You should be an actress you sure fooled me.” Isaac replies and still has a hurt look on his face.
“I’m sorry.” I apologise again and Isaac raises his hand in the air in front of my face.
“I know you are but I do have two more questions, why? And where did you get the idea to pretend that you are a werewolf?”
“Twilight. What can I say I’m a sucker for Taylor Lautner and his amazing six pack. I thought the prank would be fun and I wanted to see it I could pull it off. I thought we would laugh about it later.” I reply hoping Isaac is believing every word I say.
“So what you were watching Punk’d at the same time as twilight and thought it would be funny to have me worried sick about you?” Isaac asks and I can see he is trying to keep his cool even though he is upset and angry. I don’t blame him though.
The last few people walk out of the exit leaving me and Isaac alone and even though the hallway is very spacious, right now I feel like I’m stuck in a small closet with Isaac slowly suffocating. It’s what happens when I lie. I feel horrible and guilty, and sometimes I literally feel ill.
“I don’t know what came over me, and I promise to never do it again.” I swear and cross my heart.
“You know if you make me a huge batch of those choc chip cookies you make occasionally. I will forgive you a lot faster.” Isaac smirks and I hold in the sigh of relief, grateful he doesn’t hate me for being so horrible to him. I want to tell him the truth but I can’t burden him. Sometimes it better not knowing what really goes bump in the night.
“Belle! There you are.” I hear Stiles voice and hear his stamping feet as he runs down the hallway towards me with Scott by his side. What the hell is wrong with them? Shouldn’t Scott be hanging out with little miss perfect.
“And why are you looking for me?” I ask. There was a time not that long ago, before Alison where I wouldn’t feel the need to ask that question.
“Because I need to talk to you . . . About something in private,” Stiles looks from me to Isaac.
“Okay I can take a hint. I’ll see you later,” Isaac smiles before he walks away although it’s not the smile I usually get and I know it’s because he is still confused and hurt by my “prank”.
“That was kind of rude Stiles.” I snap unintentionally. The three of us were close once upon a time. We were even called the Three Musketeers at one point but then I had to go and crush on Scott, and after dropping a million hints I realised Scott only saw me as a sister and I started to hang out with the both of them less and less. Then Alison came along and I got shut out of the threesome completely. I guess that’s just life.
As they say life’s a bitch and then you die.
“Sorry but we do really need to talk to you.” Scott talks this time and his voice is almost soothing until I remind myself that I’m annoyed at him for shutting me out. I know Scott has told Stiles that he is a werewolf. When is he going to tell me? We used to tell each other everything. It’s crazy how drastically things can change with time, especially relationships. Maybe that’s what they are doing now.
“About what?” I ask hoping they are about to finally tell me that Scott is like me: a werewolf.
“We know that your grams and your mother are both werewolves, are you?” Stiles asks.
“How do you know that?”
“Kristin told us,” Scott replies with an awkward smile.
“Why would Kristin tell you that?” I ask. My voice is laced with confusion and I know my face is reflecting my feelings. Why the hell did Kristin tell them that? I thought it was meant to be a secret or is Kristin the only one allowed to tell people about our family?
“Because she kind of walked in on Scott trying to kill me,” Stiles shrugs his shoulders like it happens all the time.
“Why were you trying to kill Stiles?” I ask Scott hoping this it is. Scott has to tell me now, there’s no other way to explain it plus they know I already know about werewolves.
“Because I’m like you Belle although I’m guessing you were born a werewolf-” Scott starts.
“But you were bitten.” I finish, “Wait how do you know that I’m a werewolf?” I ask.
“I don’t know it’s like I can sense that you are different, can’t you feel it?” Scott asks. I try to focus on him and I feel a tingling sensation as I inhale his scent and somehow I can feel it, that Scott isn’t human.
Wow I didn’t know that I could do that. I don’t know much about it at all. I still haven’t talked to my mother since last night, and I’m trying to avoid her as much as possible.
“I can,” I reply. Just minutes ago I was so worried about Scott finding out that I’m a werewolf but now that he knows I feel relief, almost like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.
I wasn’t expecting that.
“I can’t believe this. First my best friend and now my cousin this is ridiculous!” Stiles rolls his eyes and shakes his head. “I’m living in the freaking twilight zone,” Stiles sighs in frustration before he runs his hands over his dark buzz cut. I’ve tried to get him to grow out his hair but it never lasts.
“Is that jealousy I hear in your voice?” I smirk and Stiles brown eyes glare at me in response.
“No it’s worry with a hint of fear. How long have you been a werewolf for anyway?” Stiles asks.
“Since last night, it’s when I first found out that both my grams and my mother are werewolves,” I reply.
“Please at least tell me you know what you are doing because Scott and I have no idea, well we have some ideas but that’s not the point.”
“Google doesn’t count Stiles and no I don’t, not yet. I’m not ready to be mentored by my mother . . . It’s complicated,” I reply having no intention to go into any detail about my relationship with my liar of a mother.
“This is insane were you ever going to tell us?” Stiles asks.
Truthfully I don’t know when or if I would have told either of them. They are clearly having fun as the dynamic duo and I don’t know if I would want to be the Three Musketeers again, especially since I know Alison and Scott on their way to being an official couple.
“Were you ever going to tell me?” I ask Scott. He gives me a sympathetic smile in return and I know if it wasn’t for Kristin walking in on Scott trying to kill Stiles, and telling them about my family than Scott wouldn’t have told me the truth- it sucks.
“I don’t know Stiles sort of figured it all out and knew what I was even before I did,” Scott replies. That’s typical of Stiles. Once he puts his mind to something he is almost unstoppable.
“Well I better go. I have homework and avoiding to do,” I reply as I grab my bag from my locker and close it behind me. At least Isaac doesn’t hate me anymore. I’m happy in my current threesome with Isaac and Zan. They don’t keep me at a distance or shut me out.

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