Pinch Me, I'm Dreaming

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Hey guys!! Again, thank you so much for everyone actually taking the time to read my story. It means so much! And thank you for voting and for all the nice comments!

And on the last chapter, I made a bloopie  I put it was past time when it really was present time... So sorry about that. And just to let you know, the next few chapters will be past time and I'll let you know when it changes to present time. Anyways please keep commenting and tell me what you think and if you haven't already, fan me!


(Chapter 12)

Am I hearing this correctly?? I've pictured this moment over and over and over again in my mind a thousand times hoping that someday it would actually come true! So there is no way right?!

There is no way that I'm standing right in front of Harry Styles AND he's asking me for my number. ME!! The girl who is so clumsy and makes a fool of herself in front of people all the time, the girl who can't talk to a guy without blushing and doing something stupid, the girl who's a total dork!! Why on earth would he ask ME for my number, out of the millions of girls he could get! I mean, I know they are all probably way prettier than me! I'm nothing special! So why??! Why me??!

Am I dreaming?? Did I really never get tickets to meet One Direction?? All this that happened this morning, was it all just a dream??! Am I going to wake up any second now in my pajamas still in bed?!

No... it can't possibly be a dream! Lily and I have been planning this day for weeks!! There is no way that was all a dream, too! Maybe... just this day hasnt happened yet, and I'm still sleeping in bed imagining again how it would be when I finally meet One Direction.

Yeah... that must be it. I'm dreaming... I'm dreaming about this day, just like I have been everyday since we got our tickets. But, this time... it's different. I always pinch myself awake everytime I see Harry giving me that cheeky smile that I could clearly tell is a 'I like you' smile. And everytime I do, I always wake up crushed that it was just a dream! So why am I not waking up?!!

I finally brought myself back to reality and was expecting to be looking at my bedroom ceiling, but instead, I was looking into the eyes of the boy who was giving me the smile I only see in my dreams. He was giving me the 'I like you' smile...

Oh my god!! I'm not dreaming!! This is seriously happening!! This is real life! This is actual real life! Harry Styles is right there... just inches from my faces, asking me for my number! Me!! Ahhhh!

'Play it cool Shailene,' I thought to myself. 'Try to get ALL your words out this time. Don't make a fool of yourself.'. I already was struggling with getting my words out and gave Harry only half of my name! He didn't seem to noticeand kept staring straight into my brown eyes while I was looking in his amazing green eyes.

"Ummm... M-m-my nu-number??", I said sounding worse than the first time. Again, he didn't seem to notice. "Yes. I thought maybe we could erm... call each otter and hang out sometime."

He surprisingly sounded nervous! Not as nervous as me, but still! This didn't sound like the Harry I read so much about! The 'flirty' Harry Styles who will smoothly go up to any girl he's interested in, get her number, go on a date, sleep with her, and that's it! Just like that. It's over.

Maybe this time it's different. Maybe he really does like me and could see that I'm not like those other girls. Could it be?? Could Harry Styles possibly like me??!

'Oh get a hold of yourself Shailene!', I thought wanting to slap myself. This is Harry Styles for crying out loud!! You're no different than the other girls who he had an interest in!

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