Who Gave Him Alcohol? (Drunk!Sting x Shy!Reader)

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Ideas/Requested by: DestinyCardinal

"Are you ready to go yet, Y/N?" Sting called from downstairs, waiting for my arrival. He insisted on taking me along to a house party tonight hosted by Cana. After the seven years that we had been together - we started dating in secondary school - Sting still didn't understand that I don't like interaction with people that I'm not close with.

Don't get me wrong, I'm close with everyone who would be going to the party, I just don't like crowds of people as well as people I don't know. If it was small then I would be fine, I was just unsure on tonight. Cana's parties tend to get out of hand...

I quickly finished putting on my shoes and checked through my bag. Sting would just throw his things in my bag anyway, so I made sure I had one big enough for everything. Shutting the bedroom door behind me, I jogged downstairs and stood next to my blond boyfriend as he looked me up and down.

"You okay?" He asked. I put on a smile and nodded. As long as I had Sting, then I would be okay with the big crowd, it wouldn't be too scary then. He wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me closer to give me a kiss on the head. He then muttered into my hair, "you look great."

The house was already packed and booming when we arrived. Music pulsated down the street. Cana would surely get a load of angry neighbours tomorrow morning.

Sting held onto my hand with a tight grip and moved us both through the crowd to where the drinks were situated - the kitchen. He noticed Rogue standing in a corner, talking to some girls. The three of us had gone to school together and Sting had always acted as his wing-man. The fact that he was talking to three girls at the same time was amazing. Sting smirked at me as I noticed the black-haired man as well.

We stopped next to a counter covered in shot glasses. Some were still neatly stacked while others were strewn about on the counter-top, leaving little puddles of clear alcohol next to them.

He grabbed two clean ones and then grabbed the bottle of vodka behind them.

I raised an eyebrow, "vodka shots already? Is that a good idea?"

"My dearest, Y/N," he said in an authoritative voice as he poured the shots. I knew that from the tone of his voice, what he said next wasn't going to be that serious. "Alcohol in itself is never a good idea, but it makes us feel good, so that is all we need."

He handed me the glass and we drank in sync.

"Sting!" Natsu shouted as I choked on the alcohol. It burned my throat.

Sting slammed the glass down on the side and opened his arms to give Natsu a manly hug. Those types of hugs where it's almost like a bear hug but not quite.

They pulled away and started to talk. The next thing I knew, I was standing alone in the kitchen.

"Ditched you, huh?" Rogue asked, sliding over to me. He held a drink in his hand and a girl's hand in the other. Her face was flushed red and she held a glint in her eyes.

I nodded slowly, "Natsu took him off somewhere."

Rogue frowned, "you haven't noticed the massive crowd in the living room?"

I looked between him and the amount of people now gathering around the living room. There was an eruption of cheers as something happened. I quickly thanked Rogue, before leaving him and the girl alone and making my way through the crowd. 

The scene unfolded out in front of me. A ring of people: Cana, Gajeel, Gray, Elfman, Laxus, Bickslow, Evergreen, Natsu...and Sting. In front of them sat a bottle of tequila, the mini hat already tossed to the side. There also sat a tub of salt and a sliced lime. I cringed. This was bad. Tequila suicides this early into the night? Tequila really messed Sting up.

His eyes fell onto my form and he smirked. He winked and started making awkward hand gestures...he was drunk already.

He left the ring and stumbled his way over to me. I backed up and hit the wall, allowing him the perfect opportunity to place his hand on the wall and make a move. However, he misjudged the distance and tripped over himself, making me laugh in amusement. He quickly recovered, brushed himself down and tried again, succeeding this time.

"Hey there," he said slowly.

I placed my hands on his shoulders and tried to move him to an empty chair, but he wouldn't budge. "I think you need to sit down, Sting."

"If I do, how about you sit on my lap," he then whispered the rest in my ear, "and we can talk about the first thing that pops up."

I rolled my eyes, but let out a slight laugh. I pushed him away and tried to move him. This time, he stumbled backwards and fell into a chair, pulling me onto his lap as he fell.

He cheered and then laughed. "Here, here. If I could rearrange the alphabet, I would put U and I together."

"We already are together," I muttered, smiling.

A smile crossed his face, "oh really? Score! Well then, there are twenty letters in the alphabet, right?"

I rolled my eyes, knowing where this was going. "No, there's 26."

"I must have missed out U R A Q T," he grinned.

"That's five," I stated, letting him finish the cheesiest pick-up-line ever.

"Whoops, that's okay, I'll give you the D later."

"You are unbelievable," I laughed. I let out a small scream as he pulled me closer and attacked my neck with kisses.

There was a groan next to me. I stopped playing my game and looked sideways to see the covers move. Sting had completely disappeared under the covers and now he was emerging. I put my phone down and turned sideways to face him.

His face poked out. His eyes squinted, trying to block out the sunlight that came in through the windows. I took the covers off his head, revealing the messy head of blond hair that he had. His eyes landed on the shirt I was wearing...and then they moved to his body to see that he was wearing no shirt.

He flailed around in bed and sat up. He looked back down at me and frantically asked, "did we...did we y'know?"

I shook my head, "no, you idiot. You were so drunk that you passed out just as we got back in, meaning that I had to drag you to bed."

He sighed and then opened his eyes even wider. "Then why are you wearing my shirt?"

I shrugged where I lay, "it's a comfy shirt and it smells like my boyfriend." He nodded slowly. "Also you fell over as we were walking home last night and ripped my shirt so you, being my knight in shining armour, took your shirt off in the street, at three in the morning I might add, and gave it to me."

Before Sting could say anything, my phone buzzed. I turned over and looked at the message that I had just received.


Guess who got some last night

Sting erupted into laughter as he read the message over my shoulder. He rolled onto his back and clutched his stomach as he still giggled.

I left the bed and walked over to the door. I looked back to him, blew him a kiss and said, "I'll go make some breakfast now." 

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