Most Special Person (Modern AU) (Rogue x Deaf!Reader)

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Ideas/Requested by: TurtleLover618


Most of my life, I have been deaf. It started when I was little and my hearing has been getting steadily worse ever since. I taught myself how to lip read and communicate through sign language but I would love it if I could have a proper conversation with someone. I can speak, yes that is quite easy. But I never know how loud I'm being so I constantly live in fear of making a fool of myself. 

However, there is someone in my life who makes it special: Rogue. He's always been there for me, I guess. All throughout my childhood, through all the operations and hearing check ups. He's been there for me. And I love him for it. 

I know I can't ever hear his voice like I used to and even then I couldn't hear him fully. But I can always imagine it. At least I have that:

It would be deep but soft at the same time, full of concern. 

I wish I could hear it. 

We're sat on the sofa now, just watching a movie - how we normally spend a Saturday afternoon - with the subtitles on so I can see. I see Rogue shift and look over at me. He quickly signs if I am alright. I nod and move my head back to continue watching. 

He nudges me with his foot and I look at him once again. 

He spells out my name in sign and then signs the following words:

Will you be my partner?

Did he just ask me to be with him?

I sign back a simple yes and he nods in reply before signing again.

We've known each other forever it seems...

But I stop him before he continues and tell his that he doesn't need to explain himself. 

My most special person in the world - and I get to be with him forever.

Fairy Tail x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now