Evening Tea (Laxus x OC)

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I have rebranded a lot of this account if people hadn't noticed. The name is different and the covers are different but it's still me (originally Lord-ofthe-Fandoms).

I'm no longer doing requests on this as I think I might update and rework from time to time, but this oneshot is with an OC that I am currently trying to write a full fic for, so if you like it then please let me know!

The front door made a soft noise as it was closed behind him, followed by the noise of jangling keys. Aella heard a sigh from where she was sitting in the bedroom and waited for him, expecting him to come in after being at work all day. She looked back down at the open book in front of her, and time slipped away once more.

He hadn't yet come into the room. She pried herself away from the words and looked up from her book, towards the door to the bedroom. She couldn't hear anything either. Curiosity getting the better of her, she marked her place in the book before closing it and taking it with her in her search for Laxus.

His coat was hung up next to hers and his shoes were placed neatly on the floor below. He was definitely in. She padded along in her fluffy socks; it was the middle of summer, but she was always cold.

There, she found him. He was laying down on their sofa, legs hanging over the armrest, arms folded over his chest. His eyes were shut and his mouth slightly agape. Aella's heart fluttered as she watched him nap. 

She placed her book carefully on the table in front of him and walked away into the kitchen. She knew how hard he worked, all those hours poured into his job, leaving him exhausted the minute he returned home. His efforts had been recognised, he had recently received a promotion but with that came extra responsibilities and more hours to lose to the job. All his time spent at work did upset Aella sometimes, she did want to spend time with him eventually, but she knew he was doing it for them.

The kettle clicked as it finished boiling. Aella took it and filled the mug on the counter with hot water, infusing it with the tea bag. Little moments like these she cherished. Even if he was asleep now, he would wake up soon and they could have dinner then. In the meantime, she can just make him a hot drink and let him catch up on rest.

She placed the tea on the table in front of him and grabbed her book. She paused and looked from her book in her hands to her boyfriend's sleeping head on the sofa. Putting the book down, she decided to wrangle Laxus' head up first. She cupped her hands behind his head and slowly lifted, being sure not to wake him. With his head up just enough, she sat down next to him, freed a hand and placed a pillow resting against her thigh. His head sunk into the pillow as he was lowered back down.

Aella, happy that she didn't wake him, grabbed her book and continued to read where she left off. Her free hand unconsciously drifted to his hair and she stroked it as she read.

He woke up slowly to the sensation of fingers running through his hair. Eyes closed, he remained that way for a while, enjoying the feeling. He was unsure how much time had passed when he finally opened his eyes.

He was looking up at her, tracing all the details of her face with his eyes. The way her hair tumbled down her shoulders, black as midnight, and frizzy as always. How her grey eyes locked on each and every word she was reading, absorbing the story, catching her in a trance that she didn't realise her boyfriend had woken up. She still had a small spot on her chin, it had caused her grievance in the morning but it seemed like she had given up on trying to get rid of it.

"Good morning," he spoke softly, voice still deep and grumbly from waking up. His voice caught Aella off-guard as she took a moment to register that he spoke.

She looked down and smiled at him, admiring his face. Eyes half-closed, the softest smile, the smallest amount of stubble.

"I made you tea," she responded, putting her book down on the table.

"I can see." He pulled himself up from resting against Aella's legs, a position he found very comfortable. He grabbed the mug of tea, now cool enough to drink, and drank a few mouthfuls. Glancing at her from over his mug, he stopped drinking to say, "thank you."

"I love you too." 

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