You Sold Your Soul for What?! (AU) (Demon!Laxus x Reader)

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--Uhhhh, I have no idea what this is okay? But I won't be active for a bit because I'm staying with my sister for a while--

You swiped the dirt over the hole in the ground with your foot. You prayed that this would work. You stepped back from where you had buried something and looked around you. Nothing yet. You huffed, everything had been done right. You were at the crossroads, put things relating to you in a box and buried it at the center of the crossroads. Where was that damn demon? 

"Look at you getting angry," someone remarked. 

You spun on your heels to come face to face with the demon you had just summoned. He looked just like any other normal person, apart from the fact that his eyes flicked to black when he wanted to. His arms were crossed over his purple, silk shirt and he towered above you. A coat was draped over his shoulders, rimmed with grey fur. A scar ran down one of his eyes. 

"What do you want?" He asked. 

"What's your name?" You asked.

"Is that what you want? Really..." he sighed. 

Panic struck your face, "no! no, no! I-I wish for a friend. A really good friend." 

He studied your face. That was a new wish. He saw that your face had drooped. "You want to sell your soul for a friend?" He asked, double checking he had heard right. 

You nodded. 

How was he going to do that, give you a friend? 

He sighed and stuck out a hand, "I'm Laxus. Your new...friend?" 

Your eyes widened as you cautiously took his hand and shook it. He was so going to regret this... 

"I'm Y/N," you said, "so what are we going to do?" 

"You just gave up your soul. Ten years to live. All for a friend. I'm going to make it worth it," Laxus smirked. 

The next ten years were the best of your life. You loved having Laxus for a friend and over time he had slowly cracked, showing you his softer side. He had taken you to the far corners of the earth, you had eaten exotic foods and had so much fun! 

But, those ten years were coming to a close. 

"I have to go soon," you mumbled sadly. 

Laxus frowned and grabbed your shoulders, forcing you to look at him, "I'll always be around." 

"I know but..." you trailed off. 

"It won't hurt that much," Laxus said. 

You glared at him, "it's Hell, Laxus. Literally." 

Laxus hated how you had become his number one over those years. He always stood up for you if anyone stood against you. He always gave you the best food and the things that you loved and now you had to leave him. But Laxus would change that. You weren't leaving him. 

"You're staying with me," he said firmly. 

You glanced at him and cocked your head to one side. 

"I mean, well yeah, you'll have to leave the living. But you can still stick with me," he muttered. 

But that was it. You broke into a grin and pulled him into a death-hug. At least you could still be with your best friend - you had found a loop-hole to selling your soul.

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