Tainted (Rogue x OC x Sting)

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wake up babe new oneshot just dropped. this is basically a rewrite of the evil y/n oneshot i did years ago but with an oc and a lot longer. if desperately desired for a reader insert version i can convert it. pls enjoy i procrastinated work for this

Word Count: 3.6k

"H-how could you do this to me?" Voice hoarse. So shattered inside that their exterior was too broken to show emotion. She took immense pleasure in this.

"I hurt people. It's what I do, what I'm good at." She responded coldly. Her eyes had hardened with hatred, void of any love she pretended to show him. She pressed the blade of her dagger into his neck, careful not to draw blood, but exerting enough pressure to keep him in place. "I will leave now. You will not follow me."

Dagger removed, he watched her slip away into the darkness of the night. He was frozen to the spot, until the last amount of strength he had disintegrated, and he fell to his knees.


"You can't tell them your real magic," Azelio scoffed, leaning against the wall, staring down at Valeria as she stretched out over the couch. "Come up with something else, don't be an idiot."

Valeria groaned. "I'm not good at that. I can't make stuff up."

"It's literally all you do with your usual magic."

"Yeah, but that's easy. This is hard. They'd expect me to use it too," she sighed heavily.

Azelio shrugged his shoulders slightly. "Just get magical items."

"And then just say that's my real magic? Oh! Of course!"

"You're so clever," Azelio murmured. He pushed himself away from the wall and went to leave the room but stopped himself in the doorway. "Don't fuck this up, Val. I can't save you from Father if you do."

Valeria pulled herself up into an upright position and nodded to Azelio's back. "Yeah...of course. Thanks."


She stood in front of the building, in the middle of the bustling city, staring up at the sign with the sun blaring down into her eyes. Sunlight was so tiring. She rubbed her eyes and looked up again, making sure she was in the right place. Her own guild knew she had left, but she didn't bother telling anyone. Duty was duty, they would only care if she was successful, and they didn't care about her leaving for success. She wasn't really sure how long this would take her. If she were lucky, a month or two. If not... She didn't want to think of that possibility for too long, she didn't like the idea of being old and still kicking around a guild she didn't belong to. In preparation for the task, her old guild emblem had been removed. A painful process, but she couldn't risk having a spell to cover it fail.

Straining muscles that hadn't been used in millennia, she put on the fakest smile she could and strode into the building. She wasn't expecting the reaction of the people inside. They smiled back, but it was genuine. Something in her couldn't comprehend that. Whenever she returned to her guild, she was always greeted by flat faces and occasional glares. She would usually glare back or threaten whoever dared to look distastefully upon her but on the off chance it was from Nico, she would tuck her head in and skirt quickly past. 

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