Midnight Requests (Pt 2) (Midnight x Reader)

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Requested/Ideas by: ererixshipper469 

No one knew that you slipped away that night - except from Cobra. There was no way that you could hide your plans from him, he wanted you to leave, just like the rest of them. 

You had returned to the forest in which you first met Midnight. It was like the last few weeks had never happened since the forest looked the same. The sun was setting and soon the forest was shrouded in darkness. 

"Y/N!" You heard him shout. You continued the trek through the forest. Maybe if you didn't answer, it would be taken away by the wind. 

Twigs snapped under your footsteps. Branches snagged on your clothing. You carried on, you wanted to continue your life, a normal life.

He called your name again, louder this time. 

A new found rage washing over you, you tuned sharply, "what? What would you want with me?" You took a step forward, "is it so I can build more things for you without knowing what they are? What am I doing? Tell me!" 

You saw his silhouette in the darkness but then he stepped closer and you could see all of him. "I can't deny that we didn't tell you anything at first," he started, "but come back. You belong in this guild." 

You scoffed, "Cobra clearly thinks differently." 

He sighed, "fine. But know this Y/N, I..." 

What happens after?

-- I didn't know how to end this so you can make up the ending yourself!--

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