Always There (Laxus x Dead!Reader)

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--Again, I have no idea what this is but have fun, okay?--

There he goes again. The once caring man you knew had retreated inside himself, coming off as col and careless to the outside world. It was torture to see him push people away, people who could help him. 

He was never like this when you were alive. He would help everyone who needed it, go on all sorts of jobs not just because he needed the jewel. But when you died, everything changed. You remembered it clearly - the death was a blur but the aftermath was clear as day. 

Laxus never talked to anyone for a few days after you died. He kept himself locked away in his house, hardly eating, hardly moving. But all through that time, he blamed himself. He was with you, he should have saved you. 

You saw all of this. Floating through the air, you saw him. You wanted to reach out and hold him, comfort him, tell him that he shouldn't blame himself. But you just couldn't do the impossible. 


You had to make sure that he would keep going. He couldn't waste away to nothing. You drew something for him, you couldn't touch him but you could do this. It was the sign that he made when he was just a little boy. 

Even if you can't see me, Laxus, I'm looking your way...

He saw it the very next day. You had no idea what went on in his head when he got your message but something in his head clicked. Laxus spent ages staring at it and then looking around the room. His eyes glistened like a few tears had been spilled. 

He had never been the same but at least he was living. And now as you followed him back from a job, he knew. A breeze rustled past and he turned his head to your direction. He smiled lightly before continuing. He knew you were there.

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