Controlled (Mira x Reader)

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Ideas/Requested by: BucketSprite 

--I have ideas for a yandere fic ;)))))--

The battle raged on around you. Every second, a new wave of enemies few against you, chipping away at your magic power and strength. The only thing that kept you going was Mira, fighting with you. 

A few hours ago, you weren't in this fight. But then again, no one was. The hoards of monsters had been unexpected but you were trained for this. You were trained for just about anything. 

You couldn't actually see Mira, but you knew that she was there. You were fighting back to back to protect each other, but there was a downfall to that...

"Y/N!" You heard Mira shout. 

Out of instinct, you turned around to see what was happening, forgetting about the enemies advancing on you. Mira turned her head to see what you were doing and gasped, pushing you back to fend off the enemies. Then there was the roar. 

The roar that shook the ground and didn't phase your attackers. But it froze the two of you. 

Mira had already seen it before. The beast was towering over the two of you, with rows of razor sharp teeth. It growled and locked its beady, black eyes onto Mira's. It had her in a trance that was clearly visible. Her muscles relaxed, her shoulders slumped and she looked dazed. And then she shook her head and spun on her heels, facing you. 

You took the first step back, close to the enemies, "Mira, are you okay?" 

She matched your step, advancing on you, saying nothing. 

Another step back. Another step forward. 


You blocked her attack with your weapon. But she sent another one flying towards your stomach. This time it hit, making you stagger back - now you were only inches away from the enemies. 

You pulled your hand away from your stomach to see red liquid oozing from your wound. Mira was relentless, a powerful force that couldn't be stopped. She sent a flurry of attacks after that and the last one sent you to the ground. 

By this point you were covered in cuts and bruises. She stood over your body, no emotion in her eyes - an empty abyss. Then she walked away, leaving you to the savage monsters that now crowded you.

Mira shook her head, sucking in breath. What just happened? Where was Y/N? Mira started to panic, not being able to find you. And then she saw something. 

You had tried your best to fend them off but that wasn't enough. The earlier attacks from Mira had made you weak. 

Mira fell to her knees next to you. This was her work. She was to blame. If she had just been stronger then she could have resisted the control...and saved you. 

Tears started to flow, dripping onto you. 

If only...

Then a broken whisper, drifting off into the night, "I love you."

Fairy Tail x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now