Impossible (Rufus x Reader)

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Ideas/Requested by: FtGoddess13

He was amazing. He had a perfect fighting style and he won almost every fight he was in. Being on the same team as him was almost unbelievable. You had worked hard to get to the top of Sabertooth and you trained even harder to get into the team to go to the Grand Magic Games. All to be with Rufus. 

He wasn't stupid. He knew the way that you looked at him, the way you praised his name as if he could do nothing wrong. He knew you liked him. 

But you knew he could never like you back, it was impossible. Rufus clearly liked someone else. You recognized that look in his eyes, that bounce in his step. The once cool, calm and collected person that Rufus was all crumbled whenever he was near them. Of course you understood how he felt, it was the same way with you around him. 

It was torture to watch him with them. When you were in the games, you tried your best to work up the courage to speak to him but when you were back at the inn, you couldn't even get close. 

You stood there now, in the arena with Rufus and the rest of the team. It was the final game and you were determined to win. No matter what, you would give it your all. After all, you were from Sabertooth and the members never went down without a fight. 

You glanced across the team, no one was speaking to each other. You gulped down fear and quickly said, "good luck everyone." 

Their heads faced you. No one spoke. 

Then you heard a voice, it might not have been much - just a reply to your comment - but it meant everything to you. 

"Good luck, Y/N." Rufus. 

Even if you could be friends, that was better than nothing. 

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