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"So this is your house?" Heidi asked, stepping out of her car. She had left Evan home, mainly because she knew how much he hated to fight.

"Yeah, home sweet home," Connor replied with a bit of sourness in his voice. "Just uh, be ready for a fight."

"We better head inside," Heidi followed Connor up to the door, and watched as he entered.

Connor stayed silent as he entered, eying his father who looked up at him from the baseball game he was watching. Connor was sure his parents would start yelling, but then again, Heidi was with him, and status meant everything to them, which meant they would always try to be polite. Connor didn't really know why they cared so much. Larry

Cynthia saw him first. She looked relieved. "There you are. I was wondering where you went." She went over to him.

"I uh, just went to Evan's. This is his mom," Connor thought Cynthia was alright, she'd never be as high up as Heidi's standards, but she tried to help him, whether or not she understood. But then again, she did have those weird phases now and again.

"Ah, I see! I'm Cynthia," Cynthia smiled.

"I'm Heidi Hansen, it's very nice to meet you," Heidi returned the smile to her. "I want to talk to you about something that regards your son."

"What'd he do this time?" Larry sighed and stood up.

"Oh no, he didn't do anything! I'm just here to talk about mental health," Heidi clarified.

"Alright, well feel free to sit at the table, dear. Do you want something to drink?" Cynthia went to the fridge.

"I'm okay, thank you," Heidi sat at the table, and looked at Connor. "You don't mind staying, do you?"

"I'll stay for a little bit but uh, if I leave I'll be in my room," Connor hesitantly took a seat in the chair. He didn't want to have this conversation with his parents because he knew they'd be over dramatic about it, but yet he also wanted help. It wasn't easy to talk about.

"Mental health, eh? I'm sure Connor is just fine," Larry stated, taking a seat at the table.

"Well, your son believes he has Bipolar," Heidi told them calmly, but her voice was strong and stern. "Has he experienced any.. outbursts?"

Cynthia took a moment to think. "He.. he does have a quick temper, but that's mostly what we all see."

Heidi nodded. "Outbursts are not always expressed in anger. Bipolar can cause major mood swings, and it does make the person take extreme risks."

Larry was silent for a moment. "That would explain the smoking.."

Connor tensed. He didn't want Heidi to know about him smoking, regardless if she was trying to help him. It was a side of him that was private and personal, they didn't understand that weed helped him, that it actually made him calm down. It wouldn't ever work as well as medication would, but it still helped.

"How long does he sleep for?" Heidi asked next.

"It's hard to say. Sometimes he's up really early, but other times he doesn't get out of bed. Mostly he oversleeps in the week but on weekends he's up early at like six in the morning," Cynthia explained.

"I see. Well, I'll give you my recommendation; talk to a therapist, it'll be hard for him to open up at first, I know because that's how Evan was, but you have to ease him into it," Heidi told them.

Connor couldn't stand staying any longer. "I'm.. going to my room. Can I um, go back to Evan's?"

"Oh sweetie, I'm not sure if that's a good idea.." Cynthia said, uncertain about leaving him alone.

"Sometimes the best thing you can give your child is space. Evan will be there to make sure he behaves, okay?" Heidi offered.

Cynthia sighed, a bit reluctant. "Okay.. You can go. Be sure to pack a bag and text us if you go anywhere."

"Yeah uh, sure, mom," Connor awkwardly went upstairs.

"I'd also like you both to know that I believe Connor has depression as well. Is he taking anything for it?" Heidi stood up.

"We put him on some anti depressants," Larry told her. "I thought it'd help him be more active and motivated."

Heidi shook her head, "I'd switch them right away. Anti depressants increase the suicide rate. I can write down a list of recommendations if you'd like."

"That would be amazing," Cynthia smiled, and stood up. She grabbed a notepad and a pen, then handed it to Heidi.

Heidi silently wrote down the recommendations, but Larry spoke up.

"Are you.. are you sure he has bipolar?"

"Honey.." Cynthia started.

"No, because my parents didn't believe in shit like that, and that's how I was raised! So how am I supposed to believe it's real and it's just not his nasty temper?!" Larry snapped.

"Mr. Murphy, this has all been proven with science and psychology! I understand if that's how you were raised, because it was unheard of when we were teens, but things have changed," Heidi told him, setting the pen down.

"No.. it's all just fake! It's all in his head! It's not real! It's just a cry for attention!" Larry argued.

"Well what if he wants someone to notice he needs help?!" Heidi slammed her hand down on the table. "What if he's tired of trying, what will you do then, huh?"

"He just wants to be a brat," Larry growled. "He wants everything to be about him!"

"Oh enough of the attention seeking bullshit!" Connor yelled from the top of the stairs. "You just.. you don't want anyone to see your fucked up son!! Is that it?! Status over son?!"

"Connor please, calm down!" Cynthia called to him.

"No!! No I'm not going to fucking listen to this anymore! I'm fucking tired of it! Someone needs to fucking call him out and tell him it's not like the old days anymore! You don't care about me, do you?!" Connor exclaimed.

Larry was speechless. He shook his head.

"I'm fucking out of here," Connor pulled open the door and went through it, slamming it behind him.

Heidi sighed and hurried after Connor. She saw the long haired boy sitting in his knees on the driveway's pavement, curling into himself, sobbing wrenching through his body that caused him to shake hard. Heidi hurried to his side and hugged him, knowing that it always calmed Evan down, and hoped it'd do the same for Connor.

Connor gripped her arm. "Why.. why can't he understand? I just want my fucking dad.."

Heidi couldn't answer his question. She remembered the day Evan's father left, Evan pestering her with questions, why did he leave? Doesn't he love me? Why does he want a new family? She simply rubbed his back and let him cry it out.

A little bit after that, she drove him back to her house. There was no way she was letting him stay at that damn house. He didn't deserve to be in such a toxic environment.

When she dropped him off, she explained to Evan what happened. She watched as Evan pulled Connor into a tight embrace and held him close, whispering soothing words into his ear. She was soon in her scrubs, and by then, Evan had covered Connor with some blankets, and was giving his friend some warm milk and cookies. It warmed her heart, her son was so compassionate and caring. She said goodbye to the two, and left for work. She did feel better about one thing.

Connor didn't have to go through this alone. He had someone that truly cared. And he was her son.

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