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Sleep is a very precious thing. It's a state in which you're in relaxation, nothing to worry about, all your worries and fears, suddenly gone, letting you relax at last.

Connor was one who liked sleep, believe it or not. He always found piece with it, unlike him with his family.

But sleep has to come to end, sooner or later.

"Wake up, dipshit!" Zoe yelled, throwing a pillow at a sleeping Connor.

Connor groaned, shifting a bit, before opening his eyes. His eyes shot at Zoe "I told you to stop calling me that!"

"Whatever, dipshit. Don't eat breakfast for all I care," Zoe exited the room, slamming the door behind her.

Connor sat up and stretched, before standing and going to get some clothes for the day.

He chose his normal outfit, a purple t shirt, black jeans, and a black jacket to wear over. 

Connor rubbed his head, before walking out and to the kitchen, for the usual routine.

Larry was reading the paper, Cynthia was washing dishes, and Zoey was on her phone, with an empty plate in front of her at the table.

Connor sat down at the table and sighed. Cynthia set a plate of eggs down in front of him. 

Connor mumbled a soft "thanks" and ate about half of the eggs. 

Larry looked up from his paper, "You should eat more than just that."

Connor just shrugged, "Look, I'm not that hungry..."

"Your mother works hard to make these meals! Why do you take them for granted so much?!" Larry snapped.

"Good god, I'm not going through this again! Not today!" Connor stood, and went to grab his bag.

"Fine! Don't expect me to drive you!" Zoe yelled.

Connor let out a huff. He didn't care if he had to walk, he just didn't want to be with his family. Grabbing his satchel, he exited the Murphy Household, slamming the door behind him.

"Screw those guys.. I wasn't that hungry. I could've saved it for later, but NOO, apparently I can't save a scrap of food in that God forsaken house!" Connor grumbled at himself.

The streets were practically abandoned, with no one to be seen except for a few cars that drove by, and a dirty blond haired boy wearing a polo shirt and some khakis.

Connor payed no mind to the dirty blond, if he didn't bother him, then that was perfectly fine with him. One less thing to deal with. 

It was very breezy and cold, the wind was colder than the temperature outside. Connor was only wearing his jacket that he had grabbed, so he was freezing. He looked at the boy in front of him and muttered, "How the hell isnt he cold?"

By the time Connor reached the school, he was already numb from the cold. After taking a step inside, his body started to reheat, and he fiddled with his jacket, clearly getting hot.

The blond haired kid was now accompanied by a brown haired one with glasses, who chatted with the boy.

"You fell out of a tree?" The brown haired boy laughed. "What are you? An acorn?" 

The blond didn't reply with a confident remark, he just fiddled with the hem of his shirt and mumbled a few words that came out as a studdery mess.

Connor hoped to avoid them both, but it wasn't any use. The brunette called out, "Loving the new haircut, Connor! Very school shooter chic."

Connor ignored the remark as best as he could, hearing the brunette chuckle.

"Oh, I'm laughing. Can't you tell?" Connor snapped, glaring at the two.

"Oh, I uh.. Hehehe.." the blond stuttered, nervously chuckling at the end. 

Connor's temper started to boil. "Why the fuck are you laughing?!"

"W-w-wait! I didn't mean-" he stuttered out, but Connor cut him off. "Stop laughing! I'm not the freak! You're the freak!" 

Connor then stormed up to the blond and shoved him back, making him run his back into the locker. The blond fell, and held onto his left arm, that had a cast.

Connor immediately felt regret, seeing that he hurt an injured person. He stared at the two, before running off to class, the bell ringing as he did.

When he ran inside his classroom, almost the entire class looked at him. Connor stood there awkwardly, before walking to his seat.

"Mr. Murphy, tardy again," the teacher said blankly, marking his sheet, not needing to look up at Connor.

Connor let out a sigh, take a seat and slumped back in it. He felt awful, especially that he couldn't even apologize to the blonde he had just shoved.

Or at least, that was what he thought.

-Reaching Out-(Treebros)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin