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Connor was tired of running.

The entire weekend had passed and he skipped school that day. Evan was in the living room with Heidi, opening up about his depression at last. Connor stayed in his room, not wanting to intrude. They needed that time to work things out. Connor messed with the earbuds a bit, untangling them before going back to his homework. Everything was plain and simple, and he only had a few subjects to finish. Rock music swirled through his ears, as he traced his pencil over the paper. Maybe he should draw after that. That'd be nice.

After a little bit, Evan is inside his room, and his eyes are a little red, probably from crying, but Connor knew how emotional he got when he told him. He turned off his music and put his earbuds in his pocket, as a silent invitation for Evan to talk, but didn't comment, not wanting to force him into anything.

Evan sat beside him, letting out a breath, and said, "I did it."

Connor looked up his notebook, and set his pencil down. "Good. How'd she take it?"

"Well.. she was upset, o-obviously, since I didn't tell her s-sooner, but she promised we'd f-figure things out," Evan explained, twisting a button on his polo.

Connor made a smile, "At least you did it, and now you know she doesn't hate you like you thought."

"Yeah," he laughed a little. "Anyways, y-you got your stuff done?"

"Just about. This English assignment was easy as hell," Connor shrugged, looking back down at the page and scribbled a few things down.

"I mean, it was just an analysis on that poem we read," Evan stated, scooting closer to Connor. "As long as you have e-evidence to support what you say, then yeah, it's fairly simple."

"So what's the plan for tonight? Movies, nature walks, just fucking laying around hopelessly like the depressed teenagers that we are," Connor smirked playfully.

Evan laughed, "As much as I'd like to, my mom, mom wants to have a Taco Tuesday."

"But it's Monday, not Tuesday," Connor raised an eyebrow.

"She likes tacos, give her a break!" He shoved his shoulder.

Connor chuckled, "I can't give your mom shit, she's letting me stay here for free, at the moment."

"When'd you think you're gonna go home? I er- I-it's not like I don't enjoy having y-you here! I d-do! It's just- your f-family, they miss you! I know b-because Zoe came up to me during l-lunch and asked if you were okay-"

"Wait, hold on," Connor stopped him. "Zoe was asking.. about me?"

Evan nodded feebly.

"I.. thought she hated me.." he shook his head, moving to stare at the ceiling.

"She doesn't, though. She, she cares," Evan stated, hesitantly grabbing his hand to help ground him.

Connor looked at their conjoined hands. "I don't see why, though."

"Connor, you are trying your best to change! I - if your dad can't see that, then her-really is trying to put you down! You deserve to know that you're getting better," Evan assured, squeezing his hand tightly.

"Aren't father's supposed to be supporting their sons?" Connor asked sourly, but he had a small, playful smile on his lips.

Evan returned one. "I wouldn't know, why are you asking me?"

This pulled a laugh out of Connor at last. "Jesus Christ I love you."

Evan was sure Connor didn't know what he was talking about, because there was no way that was true. Granted, Evan's little crush did start to blossom into love, he'd never tell Connor that. Connor probably meant it in a friendly way, not a definitely-not-romantic type of way. Besides, even though Connor was gay, he had standards, right? How would Evan even come close to whatever they were? As much as he wanted it to be true, he knew it'd never happen. So Evan just tried his best to laugh wholeheartedly with him, hoping he didn't sound awkward.

"Um," Evan coughed, "I f-found a cool conspiracy v-video. Do you w-wanna watch it?"

Connor grinned, "Fuck yeah, put it on."

Evan was hyper aware of everything from then on. He tried everything he could to avoid physical contact with him, for however long as possible. Evan didn't know whether or not Connor was aware, but he didn't show it, as he contently watched the conspiracy video on aliens Evan found a couple nights ago (shit like that was not good for his anxiety).

Soon they had to go out to help Heidi set the table. She was working the graveyard shift, so she took this opportunity to have another meal with the two boys. She was happy that Evan had someone around to keep Evan company. That was enough for her.

Dinner went by smoothly, Heidi mainly just chatting with Connor and Evan. Connor had mentioned liking tap dance when he was a kid, so Heidi asked Connor if he'd go into dancing as a major for college, as she said that he could be an instructor. Connor shrugged, but he admitted that he liked the idea of teaching other people how to dance.

Once everyone's plates were clean and in the sink, Connor and Evan went back to his room. The reality of what happened beforehand finally hit Connor. He looked at Evan, mortified.

"Evan.. oh god, I.. I'm sorry. I f-fucked everything up because I couldn't keep my damn mouth shut! I made things weird now! You don't.. you d-don't want me, you don't want me here, why would you?!" Connor was left rambling and spiraling, standing up to grab his sleeping bag, convinced he had to go.

Evan couldn't let that happen. He wouldn't let it. He quickly got up and grabbed Connor's wrist.

Connor whipped around to face him. He was shaking and tears were falling slowly down his face, it was probably the most vulnerable state Evan had ever seen him in and it hurt so much. He just wanted to ease his mind and to hold him in his arms until his tears would eventually stop, and he would. He couldn't be scared anymore, he had to be brave for the both of them.

"I d-don't hate you.." Evan whispered, silently cursing whatever nerves were making his anxiety act up. He was grateful his mom had left for work already.

Connor sniffled, but he didn't say anything. He leaned closer to Evan.

"You're... Connor, I l-love you, and I.. I know how c-cliche it sounds, but it's true, because you made me realize I'm not straight, you helped me open up to my mom, you have always been there for me, w-when I need you the most.. You're.. incredible, Connor, and even if you can't see it, at least you're hearing it f-from me," Evan was holding his hands as tightly as he could, catching his eyes for a brief moment, just to prove to him that it was true.

Then, he had been pulled into a tight embrace, and Evan let out a breath he didn't know he'd been holding. He'd been expecting a dramatic kiss scene or something and had worried he'd be bad at it because he'd only ever kissed Connor while high, but this, this was much better, it was more familiar and easier to manage.

He let Connor pull him onto his tiny, twin sized bed, and he let Connor roll onto his side, but after realizing when Connor turned back and tugged at his arm slightly that he realized that Connor wanted to spoon, that he wanted to be held, and he could've died happily in that moment but he did that because he could finally hold Connor close and it wouldn't be weird.

Granted, there were still some specifics to discuss in the morning, but suffice to say, both slept well that night.

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