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Trigger Warning- Mentions of eating disorders.

Well, that happened.

Evan rubbed his head as he tried to regather his thoughts from the morning. He and Connor went to the attic, got high..

And he kissed Connor.

Yeah, fuck weed.

Evan froze as he looked down, seeing a sleeping Connor sprawled out on top of him, sleeping contently with a tiny smile. He could feel his heart fluttering around in his chest from nerves most likely. Evan couldn't help the small smile that formed on his lips as he started to play with Connor's hair. Despite the situation he was in, he couldn't stop fawning over Connor. 

Evan laid there for a while, a bit grateful he didn't had to face Connor about the kiss. He decided he was going to play dumb and act like he forgot about the whole situation because of the weed. He knew that if Connor remembered it, then it would already damage their relationship as it was. No, he couldn't do that, he'd just lie so things would be okay.

Connor started to shift, waking at long last. He opened his eyes to find himself on top of Evan, who was staring at him. He blushed and sat up.

"Um, what happened? Earlier..?" Connor rubbed his eyes.

"I'm not.. I'm not sure?" Evan replied, moving so he could sit up properly.

"Well.. did you like being high?" Connor stretched his arms before letting out a yawn.

"It's not something I'd do again," he admitted.

"Well I guess I understand. I hope I don't have to get you drunk next, though," Connor bumped their shoulders together.

Evan chuckled awkwardly, "J-Jared already took care of that.."

Connor just raised an eyebrow and gestured for him to go on.

"We broke into his parent's liquor cabinet when we were fifteen. I'd uh, tell you what happened but, I-I don't remember a thing," Evan explained sheepishly.

"Aw, I'm so proud," Connor said jokingly. "Anyways lets go grab a snack or something. I'm fucking hungry."

Evan took a second to be absolutely thankful that Connor wasn't talking about earlier. It seemed like he had forgotten about it, which might've hurt a little bit, was really for the best. Things would've been ruined if they did talk, and Connor would leave him and probably sleep on the streets like a hermit and that's the perfect way to get kidnapped. Yeah, he knew it seemed ridiculous, but his anxiety always went into overdrive over the smallest of things.

"W-what'd you want to eat?" Evan lead him to the kitchen and opened the cabinet. There wasn't a lot to choose from, honestly. A box of crackers sat inside, some soup, roman noodles, and Mac and cheese. Of course there was a few other necessities, but that was it.

Connor frowned at how empty the cabinet was. "Jesus man.. uh, we can go to a gas station or something. It's cool."

"Can we- can we walk? I don't t-think I can handle driving today.." Evan chewed on a hangnail.

"Definitely. That's alright," Connor went over to him and grabbed his hand, already seeing the finger was red from what he had been doing. He imagined it didn't feel pleasant. "Let's put some shoes on and head out."

After doing so, the pair headed out, hand in hand. Evan silently wondered if it was weird now to hold his hand. He hoped not, he liked holding Connor's hands, they were smooth and soft, unlike his, that were rough and bumpy from years of tree climbing.

He heard Connor sigh, and the grip on his hand tightened. "Ev.. can I. Can I ask you something?"

"Sure. What is it?" Evan breathed out through his nose. He knew he had to stay calm.

Connor hesitated, before asking, "Do you eat enough at home? I know you like, don't always order takeout or something but.."

Evan bit his lip. He of course didn't want to admit it, but he barely ate at all. It wasn't because of the lack of food, but because of how toxic his mind became sometimes (not to mention the smell made him want to barf). 

"Um. Not a lot. It's er- it's n-nothing to worry about.." he refused to meet his eyes.

Connor squeezed his hand, "Do you uh.. want help? I'm not saying you can't handle it, I'm just worried."

Evan considered this. He didn't want someone shoving food down his throat, but maybe someone who'd worry about him. "Um.. You can ask me if I've e-eaten, and stuff.."

Connor raised an eyebrow, "So I have permission to harass you into eating?"


"Okay, but be warned, I'm gonna be ridiculous tough on you."

"How so?"

"Hmm.." Connor thought for a moment. "You have to buy me something for every meal you skip. Deal?"

Evan nodded, "D-deal."

After that, the two boys arrived at the gas station, and left with several bags filled with random crap that'd get the Hansen's through a week. Evan kept making a fuss about how much Connor was spending, but Connor insisted, wanting to help out as much as he could. He even said it was the least he could do since he was staying with them.

Connor had called Zoe to tell her that he was okay, and where he was at. Apparently Cynthia had been worried, and Larry was distracting himself by doing work in the home's office.

Connor had no idea when he was going home. He wanted to say 'never', but it was a bit unrealistic in his mind. While yes, the Hansen's were letting him stay, he didn't know how long they could support him financially. He was another mouth to feed, someone else who needed to shower, and it made him feel guilty as hell. 

He couldn't run forever.

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